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    Ube Nama Chocolate


    Who else has been feeling the heat these past few days? Fiuh, feels like I want to jump into the fridge to cool off, haha. But the sun can shine as bright as it wants, only BestNic shines the brightest #eaaaa


    Today, I’m making a snack with my special child, Kobi, BestNic! Maybe you’ve heard of Nama Chocolate, that legendary soft and melt-in-your-mouth chocolate from Japan. But this time, we’ve got a special twist: we’re swapping out the fresh cream for Ube, also known as purple sweet potato!



    What’s that? You’re wondering… is this a Ube dipped in chocolate, or chocolate made from Ube? Well, the point is, we’re making a delicious treat that’s not only tasty but also healthy!


    Ube and Chocolate: A Healthy Duo That Brings Happiness


    Before we talk flavor, let’s talk about why pairing Ube (aka purple sweet potato) with dark chocolate is a genius combo. Ube has long been famous in Asia, not only for its vibrant purple color but also for its impressive health benefits. It’s packed with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which give it that bold purple hue and anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, Ube is high in fiber, low in calories, and contains vitamin C and potassium, which are essential for our body’s health.


    When combined with dark chocolate, which is rich in flavonoids, this duo doesn’t just offer a great taste, but also provides health benefits you can feel. Dark chocolate is known for its mood-boosting effects, as it triggers the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. So snacking on Ube Nama Chocolate is like a guilt-free indulgence. A total win-win, right?


    Why Ube? Why Not Cassava or Pumpkin?


    Some might ask, "Why Ube? Why not use potatoes or pumpkins?" Well, purple yam has a softer and creamier texture, which is exactly what we’re aiming for when making Nama Chocolate. Plus, it has a natural sweetness, so we don’t need to add any extra sugar, making this version healthier than the original. On top of that, Ube contains natural prebiotics that can help improve gut health. So snacking on Ube isn’t just a treat for your taste buds, but it also makes your tummy happy.


    Dark Chocolate: The Superfood in Disguise!


    When you think of chocolate, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a super sweet dessert that leaves you feeling guilty afterward. But it’s a different story when you use dark chocolate, especially if it’s at least 70% cacao. This stuff is one of the most underrated superfoods. Dark chocolate is packed with flavonoids, natural compounds with a ton of health benefits, from improving blood flow to the brain (so you stay sharp!), boosting heart health, to lifting your mood. It can also help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. So you can snack guilt-free.


    Making Ube Nama Chocolate at Home Is a Breeze


    This baking session is super easy. My special child Kobi even helped out! The ingredients are simple: steamed purple yam, couverture dark chocolate, coconut oil, raw cacao powder, raw honey, and a pinch of sea salt to add a savory touch.

    Raw honey is the perfect sweetener for desserts that don't go through a baking process. Besides its delicious taste, raw honey offers many benefits, such as being a natural source of antioxidants that can boost the immune system. It also has antibacterial, antifungal properties, and acts as a natural antiviral. Interestingly, raw honey can also help regulate blood sugar levels naturally.

    The process is quick too. Just mix everything in a food processor until smooth, pour it into a mold lined with unbleached baking paper to make it easy to remove later, then chill it in the fridge until the texture sets, at least an hour or overnight for best results. After that, cut into pieces and sprinkle raw cacao powder on top. Voilà, a pretty and healthy snack ready to enjoy!

    Through Ube Nama Chocolate, I want to remind everyone that by using natural ingredients, we become more mindful of what we put into our bodies. No preservatives, no refined sugars, just pure and clean goodness straight from nature. It’s better for long-term health.


    A Healthy Snack for the Busy Bees


    For those of you who are busy, I totally get it—you often grab quick and easy snacks, but they’re not always healthy. Ube Nama Chocolate is the answer. Make it once, store it in the fridge, and you’ll have a stash of healthy snacks for the days ahead. Perfect for munching at the office or for kids who want something between meals.


    See, I told you, healthy snacks don’t have to be bland or boring. With the right ingredients, we can make something that’s both delicious and healthy.


    So, what do you think? Ready to try making Ube Nama Chocolate at home? Trust me, you’ll fall in love with the unique combo of purple sweet potato and dark chocolate. It’ll fill you up, make your body healthier, and your heart happier.


    Happy baking, BestNic!

    Course Appetizers

    Cuisine Asian

    Keyword nama chocolate, nama cokelat, ube nama chocolate, healthy chocolate, dark chocolate

    Prep 10 minutes

    Cook 75 minutes

    Servings 10 servings


    • 400 gr Steamed Purple Sweet Potato (weight after cooking)  
    • 200 gr Couverture Dark Chocolate 70%  
    • 30 gr Virgin Coconut Oil  
    • 20 gr Raw Cacao Powder  
    • 4 tbsp Raw Honey  
    • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt 





    1. Melt the Dark Chocolate Couverture & Virgin Coconut Oil using the bain-marie method. 
    2. ⁠Blend all ingredients together using a chopper until smooth.
    3. ⁠Pour into a mold lined with unbleached baking paper or banana leaves.  
    4. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
    5. ⁠Cut into pieces, dust with raw cacao powder.
    6. ⁠Your Ube Nama Chocolate is ready to enjoy!

    The Bain-Marie Method



    1. Heat water in a pot until it boils.
    2. Then place a dry bowl over the boiling water.
    3. Add the ingredients that need to be melted into the bowl.
    4. Stir until evenly melted.


    Ube Nama Chocolate


    Siapa disini yang lagi ngerasain panasnya siang hari belakangan ini? Fiuh rasanya kaya pengen masuk kulkas buat ngadem hihi

    Tapi, matahari boleh bersinar terik, namun hanya BestNic yang paling menarik #eaaaa


    Hari ini aku mau bikin cemilan sama anak istimewaku, Kobi, nih BestNic!. Mungkin kamu udah pernah denger Nama Chocolate, cokelat legendaris asal Jepang yang super lembut dan meleleh di mulut. Tapi kali ini ada twist spesialnya: kita ganti krim segarnya pake Ube alias ubi ungu!



    Apa? kamu bertanya tanyeaaa.. sebenernya ini ubi yang dikasih cokelat, atau cokelat yang terbuat dari ubi? Yah, intinya sih kita bakal bikin camilan legit yang gak cuma enak tapi juga sehat deh pokoknya! 😁


    Ubi dan Cokelat: Teman Sehat yang Bikin Happy


    Sebelum ngomongin rasa, kita ngomongin dulu kenapa Ube, alias ubi ungu, dipasangkan sama dark chocolate itu kombinasi yang genius. Ube sendiri tuh udah dikenal banget di Asia karena selain warnanya yang ungu cantik, ternyata manfaatnya buat kesehatan juga gak main-main. Ube kaya banget sama antioksidan, terutama anthocyanin, yang bikin warnanya ungu gonjreng dan punya sifat anti-inflamasi. Selain itu, Ube juga tinggi serat, rendah kalori, dan mengandung vitamin C serta kalium, yang pastinya penting buat kesehatan tubuh kita.


    Nah, kalo ditambah dark chocolate yang kaya akan flavonoid, kombinasi ini gak cuma jadi paduan rasa yang mantap, tapi juga punya manfaat sehat yang bisa kamu rasain. Dark chocolate tuh terkenal dengan kemampuan ningkatin mood karena bisa memicu produksi serotonin, si hormon kebahagiaan. Jadi, ngemil Ube Nama Chocolate itu kayak guilty pleasure yang engga bikin guilty sama sekali. Win-win banget kan?


    Kenapa Ube? Kenapa Bukan Singkong atau Labu?



    Mungkin ada yang nanya, “Kenapa mesti Ube? Kenapa engga pake singkong atau labu?” Well, ubi ungu punya tekstur yang lebih lembut dan creamy, mirip banget sama tekstur yang kita cari buat bikin Nama Chocolate. Plus, rasanya juga manis alami, jadi kita engga perlu nambahin gula lagi, yang pastinya bikin ini jadi lebih sehat dibanding versi originalnya. Selain itu, Ube juga punya kandungan prebiotik alami, yang bisa bantu kesehatan pencernaan. Jadi, ngemil Ube itu gak cuma enak di mulut tapi juga bikin perut happy.


    Dark Chocolate: Superfood yang Lagi Nyamar!


    Kalo ngomongin cokelat, biasanya yang kepikiran pertama kali adalah dessert yang manis banget dan bikin ngerasa berdosa abis makan. Tapi beda cerita kalo kamu pake dark chocolate, terutama yang minimal 70% cacao. Ini tuh termasuk salah satu superfood yang underrated banget. Dark chocolate punya kandungan flavonoid yang tinggi, yaitu senyawa alami yang punya banyak manfaat kesehatan, mulai dari ningkatin aliran darah ke otak (jadi makin fokus!), ningkatin kesehatan jantung, sampai bikin mood lebih baik. Apalagi, dark chocolate juga bisa bantu nurunin tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol jahat di tubuh. Jadi, kamu bisa ngemil enak tanpa rasa bersalah.


    Gampangnya Bikin Ube Nama Chocolate di Rumah



    Baking kali ini tuh gampang banget. Anak istimewaku Kobi juga bantuin bikin nih! Bahannya simple banget. Ubi ungu kukus, dark chocolate couverture, minyak kelapa, raw cacao powder, raw honey, sama sejumput garam laut buat nambahin rasa gurih. 

    Raw Honey merupakan pemanis yang sempurna untuk unbaked dessert. Selain rasanya yang lezat, madu mentah memiliki banyak manfaat, seperti menjadi sumber antioksidan alami yang mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Madu ini juga bersifat antibakteri, antijamur, dan berfungsi sebagai antivirus alami. Menariknya lagi, raw honey dapat membantu mengendalikan kadar gula darah secara alami.

    Cara bikinnya juga cepet, tinggal campur semua bahan, chopper sampai halus, masukin ke cetakan yang udah dikasih unbleached baking paper, supaya nanti gampang lepasinnya dari cetakan, trus dinginkan di kulkas sampai teksturnya pas. minimal sejam atau semalaman lebih enak lagi. Setelah itu, potong-potong sesuai selera dan taburin raw cacao powder di atasnya. Siap deh camilan cantik dan sehat buat dinikmati! 


    Melalui Ube Nama Chocoloate, aku mau ngingetin, kalo pake bahan-bahan alami, kita jadi lebih mindful mengenai apa yang kita masukin ke tubuh kita. Engga ada bahan pengawet, engga ada tambahan gula rafinasi, semuanya berasal dari alam. It’s pure, it’s clean, dan pastinya lebih baik buat kesehatan jangka panjang.


    Camilan Sehat Buat Si Sibuk


    Buat kamu yang sibuk, aku ngerti banget kalo seringnya kita nyari camilan yang cepat dan praktis, tapi kadang engga sehat. Ube Nama Chocolate ini jawabannya. Bikin sekali, simpen di kulkas, dan kamu punya stok camilan sehat buat beberapa hari ke depan. Cocok banget buat ngemil di kantor atau buat anak-anak yang suka minta camilan di sela-sela jam makan.


    Nah, udah kubilang kan, camilan sehat tuh engga selalu hambar dan ngebosenin. Justru, dengan bahan-bahan yang tepat, kita bisa bikin sesuatu yang enak dan sehat sekaligus.


    Jadi, gimana? Siap nyobain Ube Nama Chocolate di rumah? Trust me, kamu bakal jatuh cinta sama kombinasi unik dari ubi ungu dan dark chocolate yang gak cuma bikin kenyang, tapi juga bikin tubuh kamu lebih sehat dan hati lebih happy.


    Selamat baking, BestNic!

    Asal Masakan Asia

    Kata Kunci cokelat nama, cokelat sehat, cokelat vegan, cemilan sehat

    Waktu Persiapan 10 menit

    Waktu Memasak 75 menit

    Porsi 30 buah

    Bahan - Bahan

    • 400gr Ubi Ungu Kukus (berat matang)
    • 200gr Couverture Dark Chocolate 70% 
    • 30gr Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
    • 20gr Raw Cacao Powder
    • 4sdm Raw Honey 
    • 1/2sdt Garam Laut


    Cara Membuat


    1. Lelehkan Couverture Dark Chocolate & VCO dengan metode bain-marie.
    2. ⁠Campur semua bahan, chopper hingga halus
    3. ⁠Tuang ke dalam cetakan yang telah diberi unbleached baking paper / daun pisang.
    4. ⁠Simpan ke dalam kulkas minimal 1 jam.
    5. ⁠Potong-potong, taburi raw cacao powder.
    6. ⁠Ube Nama Chocolate siap dinikmati.

    Metode Bain Marie

    1. Panaskan air diatas panci hingga mendidih
    2. Lalu simpan mangkok kering diatas air mendidih
    3. Masukkan bahan yang akan dilelehkan di dalam mangkok
    4. Aduk hingga leleh merata


    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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