Spicy Manado Chicken
Hey there, #Bestnics! 🍃
Let me tell you about one of the first spiciest foods I ever had when I was a kid:
Spicy Manado Chicken.
It's a memory that still sticks with me. I'll admit, the spiciness made me break into a sweat and left me scratching my head in disbelief.
Looking back, having a headache from eating something too spicy seemed like a good idea.
Have you ever heard of someone turning to spicy food when they were heartbroken or feeling stressed? Before I realized that my allergies had an emotional component, I used to find solace in incredibly spicy dishes as a way to vent my anger.
Well, don’t get me wrong, spicy food isn't fully bad. But for some of us, it's not about the heat, but rather the experience itself. Back then, I wouldn't stop eating until my stomach felt tight and the fiery sensation engulfed me.
Has anyone out there had a similar experience? ( I guess some of you just nodded! )
It's only now,
with a better understanding of myself,
that I've learned to accept and process all my emotions. Whether it's anger, joy, sadness, or disappointment, I believe that just like food, our emotions need to be digested properly for us to move forward.
This dish holds a special place in my heart because it's my mom's signature recipe, and she originally comes from Manado. I've tweaked the recipe to make it healthier by using Himalayan salt and mushroom seasoning that's free from MSG.
But you know what, it still manages to transport me back to my childhood!
The only difference now is that I savor it more mindfully, without the need to endure the intense spiciness.
And for sure, I will never try to cook it any other way!
Happy cooking and feel free to share!
Course Main Course
Cuisine Asian, Indonesia
Keyword Chicken, Spicy, Indonesian, Manado, non-msg
Prep 30 minutes
Cook 35 minutes
Servings 4 servings
- 1 whole chicken
- 1/2 piece of lemon
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
(B) Ground:
- 5 shallots
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 20 bird's eye chilies
- 10 curly chilies
- 2 inches of fresh ginger root
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 100 grams cherry tomatoes
- 250 grams baby potatoes
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon mushroom seasoning
- 150 ml water
1. Soak ingredients (A) for 30 minutes, drain without rinsing.
2. Wash baby potatoes in a bowl with 1 liter of water + 1 tbsp apple vinegar, put aside for 20 minutes and rinse.
3. Sauté (B) with coconut oil until fragrant over medium heat.
4. Add the drained chicken, sauté until it starts to change color.
5. Add ingredients (C) and mix well.
6. Pour in water (D), cover the pot, reduce the heat to the lowest setting, and wait for about 30 minutes or until cooked.
7. Taste and adjust according to your preference. Spicy Manado Chicken is ready to be served.
- If using probiotic domestic chicken, there's no need to add water; using this type of chicken results in tender and flavorful Manado-style Rica Chicken.
- If using free-range chicken, choose ones that are still young for a tender result.
- You can add turmeric, kaffir lime leaves, and scallions according to preference.
- When using potatoes with skin, soak them first for 15-20 minutes in salt or apple cider vinegar to remove pesticides.
- If you don't like it too tangy, you can use regular tomatoes.
- Manado-style Rica Chicken is best consumed immediately or stored in a covered container in the chiller and reheated by steaming shortly before serving.
- Manado-style Rica Chicken can last for 4 days in the chiller and 2 weeks in the freezer.
Spicy Manado Chicken
Halo, #BestNic! 🍃
Aku mau cerita nih. Kali ini tentang makanan pedes yg pertama kali aku makan waktu kecil. Kayaknya ini salah satu kenangan yang sampai sekarang paling melekat di ingatanku. Dulu kalo makan masakan ini, aku pasti keringetan sampe garuk-garuk kepala. Kalo inget masa-masa itu, kayanya mendingan sakit kepala karena kepedesan deh.
Kalian disini pasti tau, kalo makanan pedas itu sering dijadiin pelampiasan sama orang-orang yang lagi patah hati. Kamu gitu juga gak, #BestNic?
Yang jawab iya, thank you ya udah jujur sama diri sendiri. Dulu, aku juga gitu kok :D
Iya, dulu kalo lagi marah, aku sering melampiaskan kemarahanku sama makanan pedes. Tapi itu duluuu.
Sebelum aku lebih kenal sama diri sendiri dan tau kalo salah satu akar masalah alergiku itu ternyata dari emosi.
Tapi jangan salah. Menurutku hobi makan makanan pedas itu sebenernya gak salah-salah amat kok, #BestNic. Cabe itu kan sayuran yang mengandung vitamin C, bagus buat tubuh kita asal dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang gak berlebihan.
Sayangnya, sebagian orang makan makanan pedas bukan buat dapetin nutrisinya, tapi buat ngerasain sensasi kepedasan itu sendiri. Kayak, pengennya tuh makan pedes terus-terusan sampai gak kuat lagi atau sampai perut melilit kesakitan. Baru deh berhenti.
Kamu kayak gitu juga gak, #BestNic? (nah kan, ngangguk-ngangguk :D)
Sekarang, setelah lebih faham sama diri sendiri, aku sadar kalo semua bentuk perasaan yang kita alami itu perlu diproses satu-satu tanpa terkecuali. Semua perasaan ya, #Bestnics. Baik rasa marah, senang, sedih, kecewa, apapun itu.
Aku juga percaya, sama halnya kaya makanan, perasaan juga perlu bener-bener dicerna sama tubuh biar kita tetap sehat luar dalam.
Ngomong- ngomong soal makanan pedes, disini aku mau sharing resep Ayam Rica-Rica khas Manado yang dulu sering dimasak sama Mamaku. Ini dia nih masakan yang suka bikin aku kepedesan sampe garuk-garuk kepala waktu kecil dulu.
Resepnya masih sama tapi aku masak versi yang lebih sehat pake garam Himalaya dan bumbu jamur non MSG aja. Buatku sih rasanya tetap istimewa dan masih mirip kok sama yang aku makan waktu kecil. Bedanya, kali ini aku nikmati dengan penuh kesadaran, alias lebih mindful! Gak perlu tuh makan sampe kepedesan lagi.
Udah ga sabar kan #BestNic untuk tau resepnya? Selamat mencoba!
Menu Makanan Utama
Asal Masakan Manado, Indonesia
Kata Kunci makanan pedas, ayam rica, ayam pedas, resep non-MSG
Waktu Persiapan 30 menit
Waktu Memasak 35 menit
Porsi 4 porsi
Bahan - Bahan
1 ekor ayam kampung
1/2 bh Lemon
1/2 sdt garam
5 Bawang merah
5 bawang putih
20 buah cabai rawit
10 buah cabai keriting
1 ruas jahe
1/2 sdt garam
100gr tomat cherry
250gr baby potato
Minyak kelapa 1sdm
Garam 1/2 sdt
Bumbu jamur 1/2sdt
150ml air
Cara Membuat
1. Rendam bahan (A) selama 30 menit, tiriskan tanpa dibilas
2. Tumis (B) menggunakan minyak kelapa sampai wangi menggunakan api sedang
3. Masukkan ayam yang sudah ditiriskan, tumis sampai mulai berubah warna
4. Masukkan bahan (C) aduk-aduk.
5. Beri air (D), tutup panci, kecilkan api hingga paling kecil, tunggu sekitar 30 menit atau sampai matang.
6. Cicipi, koreksi sesuai selera. Ayam Rica Manado siap dihidangkan.