Taiwanese Crispy Chicken

Huft... 2025 is just around the corner, but still no certainty. What should we do, Bestnic?
Haha, I’m just talking about snacks! Speaking of mall snacks, who doesn’t drool over The Famous Taiwanese Crispy Chicken? But the problem is, buying snacks outside can be tricky. You’re excited to see “made from rice flour,” but then find out the flour comes from a supplier, and even the seller isn’t sure if it’s truly gluten-free. Frustrating, right?
So, instead of stressing, why not make it yourself? It’s not only budget-friendly, but you also know for sure that the ingredients are safe for your gluten-free diet. This time, I’ll share tips and tricks to make a healthy, delicious, and of course, gluten-free homemade version of The Famous Taiwanese Crispy Chicken. Let’s head to the kitchen!
Why Go Gluten-Free?
Before we get started, let me give you a little background about gluten and why more people are switching to a gluten-free diet. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. For some people, especially those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, gluten can cause digestive issues like bloating, nausea, and even extreme fatigue.
Additionally, some studies show that a gluten-free diet may help reduce inflammation in the body, make your skin glow, and provide more stable energy throughout the day.
Even if you don’t strictly need to go gluten-free, non-gluten flours offer some great benefits, like:
- Rice Flour: Rich in complex carbs that are easier to digest.
- Cassava Flour: Contains natural prebiotics that are great for gut health.
- Almond Flour: High in protein, low in carbs, and packed with vitamin E.
- Coconut Flour: Low in calories, high in fiber, and adds a savory note to dishes.
So even though it’s gluten-free, it’s still delicious and full of benefits!
The Secret
The first step to making Taiwanese Crispy Chicken is, of course, the flour. Gluten-free crispy flour is a game changer. I’ve shared the recipe in a previous post, so if you haven’t seen it, check it out Gluten-Free All-Purpose Crispy Flour
This crispy flour uses a combination of:
- Rice flour
- Non-GMO cornstarch (healthier and with minimal chemical residue)
- A touch of spices for aroma: garlic powder, white pepper, and five spice (ngohiong).
Fun fact: Cornstarch adds extra crispiness due to its heat-resistant properties. That’s why gluten-free cornstarch is a must for snacks like this!
Marination Magic You Have to Try
Marinating the chicken is the key to great flavor. I always use a simple yet powerful spice mix:
- Five spice: A Chinese spice blend that gives a unique savory kick.
- PURA Chicken Broth and Fine Sea Salt: This combo adds complexity while keeping it natural. The broth is 100% MSG-free! Perfect for those craving umami without additives.
- Rice Flour and Cornstarch: Helps the marinade stick perfectly to the chicken.
- A bit of water: To dissolve the spices and make the chicken juicier when fried.
Speaking of chicken, choose chicken breast fillets cut slightly thin, but not tissue-thin, okay? Remember, this is chicken, not your patience!
Gluten-Free Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive!
One reason many people hesitate to try gluten-free baking is the stigma that the ingredients are pricey. But there are plenty of affordable gluten-free ingredients, like:
- Rice flour, which you can buy cheaply at traditional markets.
- Cassava flour, a local favorite that’s versatile and easy to find.
- Bulk spices like five spice or garlic powder from baking supply stores or wholesale markets.
Or, if you don’t want the hassle, check out the shopping links in my Instagram bio @nonanic.id. I’ve shared where to buy all the ingredients for this recipe. 🤩
When you do the math, making Taiwanese Crispy Chicken at home is much cheaper than buying it at the mall. Plus, you can make a healthier version since you have full control over the ingredients.
Advantages of Gluten-Free Flour for Fried Food
It’s not just about health—gluten-free flour has some perks for frying, like:
- Crunchier texture: Gluten-free flours like rice flour or cornstarch are lighter, making fried foods crispier than those made with wheat flour.
- Less oily: Gluten-free flours usually result in drier fried foods, so they don’t feel greasy.
- Neutral taste: Flours like cassava or rice flour have a milder flavor, letting the marinade shine.
DIY Taiwanese Crispy Chicken = Guilt-Free Pleasure
Besides the health and budget benefits, making Taiwanese Crispy Chicken at home brings its own satisfaction. You can experiment with seasonings or even make a spicier version with chili powder. Plus, if you have kids, they can help with marinating or coating the chicken. Super fun, right?
So, Bestnic, what’s your choice? Still buying at the mall or making it yourself? For me, it’s definitely DIY. It’s healthier, cheaper, and more satisfying since you can explore flavors that suit your taste. Give it a try at home and share your results with me! Happy cooking!
Course Snacks
Cuisine Taiwanese
Keyword taiwanese crispy chicken, taiwanese snacks, snacks bebas gluten, gluten-free snacks, xxl crispy chicken
Prep 45 minutes
Cook 30 minutes
Servings 2 pieces
- 1 organic chicken breast fillet
- 1 tsp ngohiong seasoning
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp PURA Chicken Broth Powder
- 1 tsp PURA Fine Sea Salt
- 1 tsp white pepper powder
- 1 tbsp rice flour
- 1 tbsp non-GMO cornstarch
- 50 mL water
- 1 organic egg
Additional Ingredients:
- Gluten-free coarse crispy flour
- Coconut oil, for frying
Sprinkle Seasoning:
- 1 tsp ngohiong seasoning
- 3 tsp PURA Chicken Broth Powder
- 1 tsp paprika powder (optional)
- Cut the chicken breast fillet into two pieces. Flatten each piece by slicing it thinly across the width, without cutting through completely.
- Mix the ngohiong seasoning, garlic powder, PURA Chicken Broth Powder, PURA Fine Sea Salt, white pepper powder, rice flour, non-GMO cornstarch, and water until well combined.
- Marinate the chicken for 30-120 minutes to allow the flavors to fully absorb.
- Once the chicken is ready to fry, heat the coconut oil over medium heat.
- Add the egg to the marinated chicken and mix well.
- Coat the chicken thoroughly in the coarse crispy flour.
- Fry the chicken until golden brown.
- Mix the sprinkle seasoning ingredients and dust them over the cooked crispy chicken to taste.
- Your Taiwanese Crispy Chicken is ready to enjoy!
Taiwanese Crispy Chicken

Huft…bentar lagi udah mau 2025 aja, tapi belum juga dapet kepastian. Gimana dong, Bestnic?
Hihihi aku lagi ngomongin jajanan kok! Kalau ngomongin jajan di mall, siapa sih yang engga ngiler sama The Famous Taiwanese Crispy Chicken? Tapi masalahnya, jajan di luar tuh suka tricky. Udah seneng baca “dari tepung beras”, eh, ternyata tepungnya dikirim dari supplier, jadi yang jual pun engga yakin gluten-free apa engga. Aduh, bikin galau, kan?
Makanya, daripada galau kelamaan, mending bikin sendiri! Selain hemat, kamu juga tau pasti bahan-bahan yang dipake tuh aman buat diet gluten-free kamu. Nah, kali ini aku bakal kasih tips and tricks bikin The Famous Taiwanese Crispy Chicken versi homemade yang sehat, enak, dan tentu aja gluten-free. Langsung aja cus ke dapur, yuk!
Kenapa Harus Gluten-Free?
Oke, sebelum kita mulai, aku kasih sedikit background tentang gluten dan kenapa banyak orang sekarang mulai switch ke gluten-free diet. Gluten tuh protein yang ada di gandum, barley, dan rye. Buat sebagian orang, terutama yang punya celiac disease atau gluten sensitivity, gluten bisa bikin masalah di pencernaan kayak perut kembung, mual, bahkan sampai lemas banget. Selain itu, beberapa penelitian juga nunjukin kalau diet gluten-free bisa bantu mengurangi inflamasi di tubuh, bikin kulit lebih glowing, dan kasih energi lebih stabil sepanjang hari.
Trus, kalo kamu bukan orang yang strictly harus gluten-free, manfaat lain dari tepung non-gluten tuh lumayan oke, lho. Contohnya:
- Tepung Beras: Kaya karbohidrat kompleks yang lebih gampang dicerna tubuh.
- Tepung Singkong: Mengandung prebiotik alami yang bagus buat kesehatan usus.
- Tepung Almond: Tinggi protein, rendah karbohidrat, dan kaya vitamin E.
- Tepung Kelapa: Rendah kalori, tinggi serat, dan bikin rasa masakan jadi lebih gurih.
Jadi, meskipun gluten-free, rasanya tetep mantul dan manfaatnya banyak banget!
Rahasia Anti Gagal
Langkah pertama bikin Taiwanese Crispy Chicken tuh pastinya di tepung. Tepung crispy gluten-free itu game changer, lho. Aku udah sharing resepnya di salah satu post sebelumnya, jadi buat yang belum baca, cek dulu ya Gluten-Free All-Purpose Crispy Flour.
Tepung crispy ini pakai kombinasi:
- Tepung beras
- Maizena non-GMO (karena lebih sehat dan minim residu kimia)
- Sedikit rempah biar makin wangi: bawang putih bubuk, lada putih, dan ngohiong.
Fun fact: Tepung maizena itu bikin tekstur jadi ekstra garing karena sifatnya yang tahan panas tinggi. Makanya, buat gorengan kayak gini, maizena gluten-free jadi salah satu bahan wajib.
Bumbu Marinasi yang Wajib Kamu Coba!
Nah, marinasi ayam tuh kunci penting biar rasanya juara. Aku selalu pake bumbu yang simpel tapi powerful, yaitu:
- Ngohiong: Rempah khas Cina yang bikin rasa gurihnya beda.
- PURA Kaldu Ayam dan Fine Sea Salt: Kombinasi ini bikin rasanya makin kompleks tapi tetap natural. Kaldu ayamnya 100% tanpa MSG, loh! Cocok banget buat yang pengen rasa umami tanpa bahan aditif.
- Tepung Beras dan Maizena: Ini bikin bumbu marinasi lebih melekat sempurna di ayam.
- Sedikit air: Untuk melarutkan bumbu dan bikin ayam lebih juicy saat digoreng.
Ngomong-ngomong soal ayam, pilih fillet dada ayam yang dipotong agak tipis, tapi jangan setipis tisu, ya. Ingat, ini ayam, bukan kesabaran kamu!
Gluten-Free Itu Ngga Harus Mahal!
Salah satu alasan kenapa banyak orang ragu buat mulai gluten-free baking adalah stigma kalau bahan-bahannya mahal. Padahal, banyak bahan gluten-free yang harganya ramah kantong, kok! Contohnya:
- Tepung beras bisa dibeli di pasar tradisional dengan harga super terjangkau.
- Tepung singkong juga lokal banget, gampang dicari, dan multifungsi.
- Ngohiong, bawang putih bubuk, dan rempah lainnya bisa dibeli dalam bentuk curah di toko bahan kue atau pasar grosir.
Atau kalo gak mau ribet, cek link belanja di bio Instagramku @nonanic.id aja ya Bestnic, disana aku udah share link belanja bahan-bahan buat resep ini. 🤩
Kalau dihitung-hitung, bikin sendiri Taiwanese Crispy Chicken di rumah tuh jauh lebih hemat dibanding beli di mall. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa bikin versi lebih sehat karena kontrol penuh atas bahan-bahannya.
Tepung Gluten-Free Buat Gorengan
Ngga cuma soal kesehatan, tepung gluten-free juga punya beberapa keunggulan buat gorengan, lho.
- Tekstur Lebih Renyah: Karena tepung gluten-free kayak tepung beras atau maizena cenderung lebih ringan, hasil gorengan jadi lebih crispy dibanding tepung terigu biasa.
- Tidak Menyerap Minyak Berlebihan: Tepung gluten-free biasanya bikin hasil gorengan lebih kering sehingga ngga bikin mulut berminyak.
- Rasa Lebih Netral: Tepung gluten-free kayak tepung singkong atau tepung beras punya rasa yang lebih ringan sehingga bumbu marinasi lebih menonjol.
Bebas Rasa Bersalah
Selain manfaat sehat dan hemat, bikin sendiri Taiwanese Crispy Chicken di rumah tuh ngasih kepuasan tersendiri. Kamu bisa eksperimen dengan bumbu atau bahkan bikin versi lebih pedas pakai bubuk cabai. Plus, kalau kamu punya anak-anak di rumah, mereka bisa diajak bantu-bantu marinasi atau coating ayamnya. Seru banget kan!
Jadi gimana, Bestnic? Masih mau jajan di mall atau lebih milih bikin sendiri? Kalau aku sih udah pasti pilih bikin sendiri. Lebih sehat, lebih hemat, dan pastinya lebih puas karena bisa eksplor rasa sesuai selera. Yuk, cobain bikin di rumah dan share hasilnya ke aku! Selamat mencoba!
Menu Cemilan
Asal Masakan Taiwan
Kata Kunci taiwanese crispy chicken, taiwanese snacks, snacks bebas gluten, gluten-free snacks, xxl crispy chicken
Waktu Persiapan 45 menit
Waktu Memasak 30 menit
Porsi 2 buah
Bahan - Bahan
- 1 bh dada ayam fillet organik
- 1 sdt bumbu ngohiong
- 2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
- 2 sdt PURA Kaldu Ayam
- 1 sdt PURA Fine Sea Salt
- 1 sdt lada putih bubuk
- 1 sdm tepung beras
- 1 sdm maizena non-GMO
- 50 mL air
- 1 bh telur organik
Bahan pelengkap:
- Gluten-free tepung crispy kasar
- Minyak kelapa secukupnya, untuk menggoreng
Bumbu tabur:
- 1 sdt bumbu ngohiong
- 3 sdt PURA Kaldu Ayam
- 1 sdt paprika bubuk (optional)
Cara Membuat
- Potong fillet dada ayam menjadi 2. Tipiskan masing-masing bagian dengan cara diseset melebar dengan pisau, jangan sampai terputus.
- Campur bumbu ngohiong, bawang putih bubuk, PURA Kaldu Ayam, PURA Fine Sea Salt, lada putih bubuk, tepung beras, maizena non-GMO, air, aduk rata.
- Marinasi selama 30-120 menit agar bumbu menyerap sempurna.
- Jika ayam sudah siap digoreng, panaskan minyak kelapa dengan api sedang.
- Beri telur pada ayam yang sudah dimarinasi, aduk rata.
- Gulingkan ayam ke dalam tepung crispy kasar sampai seluruh permukaan tertutup rata.
- Goreng ayam crispy sampai bewarna kecoklatan.
- Aduk rata bumbu tabur, bubuhkan ke atas ayam crispy yang sudah matang sesuai selera.
- Taiwanese Crispy Chicken siap untuk disantap.