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    Homemade Aren Sugar Boba


    Talking About Boba Drinks: Who Doesn’t Know Xing Fu Tang, Xi Bo Ba, or Kokumi?

    They’re like the diva trio of the boba world! But if someone asked me to choose the healthiest one, oh boy... it’s like choosing between an old flame and a new crush. However, here’s the secret: the healthiest one is “Cyn Boba”, aka Homemade Aren Boba by Cynthia! Hehe.




    Why Is It the Healthiest?

    Because I make it all from scratch, with no chemicals and using low-GI aren sugar. So, besides being delicious, this drink is also safe for anyone watching their diet or avoiding sugar spikes.

    Get to Know Aren Sugar: The Low-GI Sweetheart

    Many people might not know this, but aren sugar is different from regular palm sugar. One of its perks is its low glycemic index (GI), around 54. A low GI means it doesn’t cause drastic blood sugar spikes, making it safer for diabetics or those watching their weight.

    Apart from its low GI, aren sugar is packed with benefits:

    • Natural Energy Source
      With fewer calories than white sugar, aren sugar is a healthier choice for recharging your energy without overloading on sugar.

    • Rich in Minerals
      Aren sugar contains iron, magnesium, and potassium. Iron helps prevent anemia, magnesium is great for muscles and nerves, and potassium helps maintain fluid balance in the body.

    • Contains Antioxidants
      Aren sugar also has antioxidants that fight free radicals. So not only is it tasty, but it’s also great for your skin and overall health.



    Mindful Eating: Enjoy, But Be Wise

    Hold up! Just because it’s made with low-GI aren sugar doesn’t mean you can drink this boba endlessly. Everything in excess is bad, even aren sugar. In today’s lingo, it’s all about mindful eating. Enjoy this trendy drink occasionally, like when you’re really craving it.

    For those who love buying boba outside, start being cautious. Most commercial boba contains chemicals that aren’t fit for consumption, like styrene, acetophenone, or brominated compounds, which are harmful in the long run.

    Homemade Boba: No Chemicals, All Flavor

    That’s the beauty of making your own boba. I make mine using tapioca flour, water, and a little cocoa powder for natural coloring. The texture is chewy, the taste rivals commercial boba, and it’s totally safe to eat.

    The finished boba is then mixed with aren sugar syrup. This makes the boba shiny and naturally sweet, without the need for artificial sweeteners. The best part? You can adjust the sweetness to your liking.




    Low-GI and Digestive-Friendly Coconut Macchiato

    The highlight of Cyn Boba is its macchiato topping. I make it using coconut whipping cream that pairs perfectly with the aren sugar flavor. It’s creamy without being overwhelming.

    I also use fresh milk, which is packed with health benefits, like maintaining bone health thanks to its calcium, protein, and vitamin D content. Fresh milk is preservative-free and has a neutral taste, making it the perfect match for the sweet aren sugar boba.

    Why Make It Yourself?

    Still hesitating to try making it at home? Here are some reasons why homemade boba is way better:

    • Choose Quality Ingredients
      You’ll know exactly what’s going into your drink. No chemicals, synthetic dyes, or artificial sweeteners. Oh, and if you want more tips on low-GI sugars, check out this post ( Low-GI sweeteners).

    • Budget-Friendly
      Buying boba outside can be pricey, right? Making it yourself is way more affordable. And the taste? Still top-notch! You know Nonanic only shares things that are delicious or super delicious! Hehe.

    • Eco-Friendly
      By making your own, you won’t need single-use plastic packaging. Just use reusable cups or bottles, and you’re already helping reduce plastic waste.

    Trust me, there’s a different kind of satisfaction when you sip something you made from scratch—especially when it’s healthy and tasty.

    So, are you ready to make your very own Cyn Boba, aka Homemade Aren Boba?

    Course Drinks

    Cuisine Indonesian

    Keyword boba, mminuman sehat, boba homemade, boba tanpa pengawet

    Prep 5 minutes

    Cook 60 minutes

    Servings 3 glasses




    • 65 gr sago starch  
    • 5 gr raw cacao powder  
    • 20 gr aren sugar powder  
    • 50 mL water, boil and use 3 tbsp  



    Additional Ingredients:  

    • 300 mL coconut whipping cream, chilled
    • 600 mL fresh milk
    • Ice cubes, as needed  
    • Water, as needed, for boiling the boba  



    Aren Sugar Syrup:

    • 75 gr aren sugar powder  
    • 100 mL water  





    1. Mix sagi starch, cacao powder, and aren sugar powder until well combined.  
    2. Add 3 tablespoons of boiling water, or enough to make the dough smooth.  
    3. Shape the dough into a ball and divide it into 4 parts.  
    4. Flatten each part and roll it into a long strip. Cut into small pieces, approximately 0.5 cm in diameter, and shape into balls. 
    5.  Place the dough balls into a bowl of tapioca starch, shake to coat, and sift out the excess starch.  
    6. In a pot, bring water to a boil and cook the boba for 15 minutes, then remove.  
    7. In a separate pot, combine all syrup ingredients and cook until dissolved. Add the boiled boba and cook until the syrup thickens, about 8–10 minutes.  
    8.  Let it cool, the boba is ready to use.  
    9. After the boba has cooled, prepare the macchiato. Place the whipping cream in a bowl over an ice bath.  
    10. Whip the cream on medium speed until mixture starts to thicken for about 1-2 minutes.  
    11. To assemble, spoon the boba along the top edge of the glass, allowing it to drip down and create a layer of syrup inside the glass. 
    12. Add ice cubes, pour in the fresh milk, and top with macchiato. Your Homemade Aren Sugar Boba is ready to enjoy!


    Homemade Aren Sugar Boba


    Ngomongin boba drink, siapa yang engga kenal nama-nama kayak Xing Fu Tang, Xi Bo Ba, atau Kokumi? Mereka tuh udah kayak trio diva-nya dunia boba. Tapi, kalo disuruh pilih mana yang paling sehat, duh… susah banget! Rasanya tuh kayak disuruh milih antara cinta lama dan gebetan baru. Tapi ya, aku kasih tau rahasianya nih: yang paling sehat tuh cuma “Cyn Boba” alias Homemade Aren Boba ala Cynthia! Hehehe



    Kenapa bisa paling sehat? Karena aku bikin boba-nya all from scratch, tanpa bahan kimia, pake gula aren yang low-GI. Jadi selain enak, minuman ini juga aman buat kamu yang lagi jaga pola makan atau ngehindarin lonjakan gula darah.  


    Kenalan Sama Gula Aren, Si Manis Low-GI


    Mungkin banyak yang belum tau, gula aren tuh beda sama gula merah biasa. Salah satu keunggulannya adalah indeks glikemiknya (GI) rendah, yaitu sekitar 54. GI rendah artinya, gula ini engga bikin lonjakan gula darah secara drastis, jadi lebih aman buat penderita diabetes atau buat kalian yang lagi ngejaga berat badan.  




    Selain GI rendah, gula aren juga kaya manfaatnya lho! 

    • Sumber Energi Alami 

    Karena kandungan kalorinya lebih rendah dibanding gula putih, gula aren jadi pilihan yang lebih sehat buat ngisi energi tanpa bikin badan “kebanyakan gula”.  


    • Kaya Mineral 

    Gula aren mengandung zat besi, magnesium, dan potasium. Zat besi bantu cegah anemia, magnesium bagus buat otot dan saraf, sementara potasium bantu jaga keseimbangan cairan tubuh.  


    • Mengandung Antioksidan  

    Gula aren juga punya senyawa antioksidan yang bisa bantu lawan radikal bebas. Jadi selain enak, ini juga bagus buat kulit dan kesehatan tubuh.  


    Mindful Eating: Nikmatin, Tapi Tetap Bijak


    Eits, jangan salah paham dulu. Meskipun udah pake gula aren yang low-GI, bukan berarti kita bisa minum boba ini tanpa batas. Semua yang berlebihan itu engga bagus, termasuk gula aren. Bahasa kekinian sih, mindful eating. Jadi, nikmatin minuman kekinian ini sesekali aja, pas lagi ngidam banget.  


    Buat yang suka beli boba di luar, coba deh mulai berhati-hati. Kebanyakan boba pabrikan tuh mengandung bahan kimia yang sebenernya engga cocok buat dimakan. Contohnya kayak stirena, asetofenon, atau zat brominated, yang semuanya itu engga baik buat kesehatan jangka panjang.  



    Tanpa Bahan Kimia, Rasa Tetap Juara



    Nah, disinilah serunya bikin boba sendiri. Boba aku bikin dari sagu, air, dan sedikit bubuk coklat untuk pewarna alami. Teksturnya chewy, rasanya ga kalah enak sama boba komersial, dan yang pasti aman buat dikonsumsi.  


    Boba yang udah jadi tinggal dicampur sama gula aren cair. Ini bikin boba-nya shiny dan manis alami, tanpa perlu tambahan pemanis buatan. Bagian terbaiknya? Kamu bisa atur tingkat kemanisan sesuai selera.  



    Coconut Macchiato yang Low-GI dan Ramah Cerna



    Best part dari Cyn Boba ini ada di topping macchiato-nya. Aku bikin dari coconut whipping cream yang nge-blend banget sama rasa gula aren. Creamy, tapi engga bikin enek.  


    Selain itu, susu yang aku pake juga fresh milk yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan seperti menjaga kesehatan tulang karena mengandung kalsium, protein, dan vitamin D yang penting untuk menjaga kesehatan tulang dan gigi. Gak cuman itu, susu segar juga tanpa bahan pengawet dan rasanya netral jadi cocok untuk dipadu dengan manisnya boba gula aren.





    Kenapa Harus Bikin Sendiri?



    Masih ragu buat bikin sendiri? Nih aku kasih beberapa alasan kenapa homemade boba jauh lebih baik:


    • Bisa pilih yang berkualitas


    Kamu tau persis apa yangmasuk ke minuman kamu. Engga ada bahan kimia, pewarna sintetis, atau pemanis buatan. Oh iya, kalo kalian mau liat tips-tips lebih lengkap soal gula low-GI, langsung aja cek postku yang ini ya (Gula Low-GI)


    • Hemat di Kantong

    Boba di luar tuh biasanya harganya lumayan ya. Dengan bikin sendiri, jauh lebih hemat, tapi rasanya? Tetep juara dongg.. Jangan lupa Nonanic itu cuma share yang enak atau enakkk banget! Hehehe


    • Ramah Lingkungan 

    Dengan bikin sendiri, kamu engga perlu kemasan plastik sekali pakai. Tinggal pakai gelas atau botol reusable, kamu udah bantu ngurangin sampah plastik.    


    Percaya deh, rasa puasnya beda banget pas minum sesuatu yang kamu bikin dari nol, apalagi kalo itu sehat dan tetap enak.  


    Jadi, udah siap bikin Cyn Boba alias Homemade Aren Boba-mu sendiri?


    Asal Masakan Indonesia

    Kata Kunci boba, boba tanpa pengawet, boba sehta, minuman sehat

    Waktu Persiapan 5 menit

    Waktu Memasak 60 menit

    Porsi 3 gelas

    Bahan - Bahan



    • 65 gr sagu
    • 5 gr raw cacao powder
    • 20 gr gula aren bubuk
    • 50 mL air, didihkan, ambil 3 sdm



    Bahan Pelengkap:

    • 300 mL coconut whipping cream, dingin
    • 600 mL fresh milk
    • Es batu secukupnya
    • Air secukupnya, untuk merebus boba




    Sirup Gula Aren: 

    • 75 gr gula aren bubuk
    • 100 mL air


    Cara Membuat




    1. Campur sagu, cacao powder, gula aren, aduk rata.
    2. Beri air didihan sebanyak 3 sendok makan, atau sampai adonan kalis.
    3. Bulatkan adonan, bagi menjadi 4.
    4. Pipihkan satu-satu, bentuk memanjang sepanjang mungkin. Potong kecil-kecil kurang lebih diameter 0.5 cm, bulatkan. 
    5. Masukkan adonan yang telah dibulatkan ke dalam mangkuk berisi sagu, kocok-kocok, saring.
    6. Panaskan air rebusan ke dalam panci, masak boba selama 15 menit, angkat.
    7. Di panci lain, masak semua bahan sirup gula merah sampai larut, masukkan boba rebus, aduk sampai gula mengental, sekitar 8-10 menit.
    8. Dinginkan, boba siap digunakan.
    9.  Setelah boba dingin, siapkan  macchiato. Masukan whipping cream ke wadah yang telah diberi wadah es batu di bawahnya.
    10. Kocok whipping cream sampai kental, dengan mixer kecepatan sedang, sebentar saja kurang lebih 1-2 menit.
    11. Susun boba dengan cara disendok dari pinggir atas gelas, biarkan boba jatuh dan membentuk lapisan gula pada gelas.
    12. Beri es batu. Tuang fresh milk. Beri macchiato. Homemade Aren Sugar Boba siap dinikmati.

    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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