Wendy's Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato

What Comes to Mind When You Hear "Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato"?
For me, it’s instant nostalgia for Wendy’s—my first love in the junk food world. 😆 Back in the day, the only veggies I ate were the ones in their burgers or baked potatoes. But now, it’s a different story. No more junk food for me, so I make my own at home instead. Healthier, more satisfying, and I can pile on as much broccoli as I want. Broccoli is packed with fiber, after all! Fiber is my true love these days. 😍
Speaking of Wendy’s, did you know Wendy was actually the name of the founder’s daughter? So, when I make this homemade version, wouldn’t it be funny to call it Kobi’s Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato? Just kidding!
Secrets to Perfectly Soft and Flavorful Baked Potatoes
First tip: soak the potatoes in salt water for about 15 minutes before popping them into the oven. Why salt water? Turns out, it doesn’t just add natural seasoning but also helps make the potatoes creamier inside. Salt draws out moisture, Bestnic, which shrinks the potato and softens its texture. The outside becomes slightly crispy while the inside stays tender.
A Cheesy Yet Healthy Sauce
For the cheese sauce, I go with grass-fed cheese. Not sure what grass-fed means? Let me clue you in. Grass-fed cheese comes from cows that eat grass instead of artificial feed. It’s richer in nutrients like beta carotene, omega-3s, and vitamin K2. Not only is it healthier, but the taste is creamier and more natural.
To get that lovely yellow color like the fast-food version, I add a pinch of turmeric powder. This little trick doesn’t just make the sauce Instagram-worthy; turmeric is also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
For a rich texture, I use potato flakes powder. It adds body to the sauce and enhances the cheese flavor. Fun fact: potatoes are often used as a cheese substitute in vegan recipes!
Why Broccoli?
Now, let’s talk about the star ingredient: broccoli! Some might ask, Why broccoli? Isn’t it boring? My answer: absolutely not! This veggie is a powerhouse of benefits, and I’m a huge fan.
- High in Fiber
Broccoli is fiber-rich, promoting smooth digestion. It also helps stabilize blood sugar—great for anyone cutting down on sweets.
- Loaded with Antioxidants
Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that fights free radicals. Eating broccoli not only keeps you healthy but also gives you naturally glowing skin.
- Vitamin C and Calcium
Did you know broccoli has more vitamin C than oranges? Plus, it’s got calcium for strong bones, making it great for kids and adults alike.
- Supports Detoxification
Glucosinolates in broccoli enhance your body’s detox processes. This is super important, especially if you still enjoy fried foods or snacks from outside.
To keep broccoli green and crunchy, I always use the blanching method before cooking. Just boil it for about 3 minutes, then immediately plunge it into ice water. This locks in its color and nutrients, keeping it fresh and juicy.
After that, mix the broccoli with the baked potato, drizzle the cheese sauce on top, and sprinkle with black pepper or paprika for extra flavor. If you want to add protein, go ahead and throw in some grass-fed smoked beef brisket like I do.
By the way, curious about grass-fed cheese? If enough of you want to know, I can definitely make a dedicated post on it. Let me know in the comments!
The best part about making this at home is you can customize the toppings however you like. Mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, or even avocado slices? Totally fair game. This is why homemade cooking is so much more satisfying than eating out.
So, when are you trying Nonanic’s Wendy’s Hack?
Course Snacks
Cuisine American
Keyword broccoli, baked potato, broccoli and cheese, wendy's hack
Prep 15minutes
Cook 70 minutes
Servings 10 servings
- 1 kg potatoes (4-5 pieces)
- 750 gr broccoli
- 160 gr grass-fed mozzarella cheese
- 40 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 1.5 tsp sea salt
For soaking potatoes:
- 3 L water + 1 tbsp sea salt
For washing broccoli:
- 3 L water + 1 tsp pure baking soda
For blanching:
- 3 L boiling water + 3 L ice water
Cheese Sauce Ingredients:
- 40 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 25 gr potato flakes powder
- 400 mL fresh milk
- 60 gr grass-fed cheddar cheese, grated
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/4 tsp sea salt
- 1/4 tsp chicken powder
- 1/4 tsp ground pepper
How to Roast Potatoes:
- Prick the cleaned potatoes and soak them in saltwater for 15 minutes.
- Roast the potatoes at 200°C for 1 hour.
How to Blanch Broccoli:
- Cut the broccoli, soak it in water with baking powder for 15 minutes to clean, then rinse with boiled water.
- Prepare boiling water and blanch the broccoli for 3 minutes, then transfer it to ice water to stop the cooking process.
How to Make Cheese Sauce:
- Heat a pan, melt the butter, then add the potato flakes powder, stirring until crumbly and fragrant.
- Gradually pour in fresh milk, then add cheese and stir well.
- Season with turmeric powder, salt, chicken powder, and ground pepper. Stir well and taste.
How to Make:
- Cut each roasted potato in half and scoop some of the inside into a bowl.
- Mix the scooped potato with grass-fed butter and sea salt, then put it back into the potato skin.
- Place the drained broccoli on top of the potatoes, then add the cheese sauce and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
- Bake at 240°C for 7 minutes until the mozzarella melts.
- Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato is ready to serve.
- Potato Size
This recipe uses large local potatoes. If using smaller ones, reduce the baking time by about 20 minutes. Test with a skewer. If it easily pierces through the center, the potato is done.
- Cheese Alternative
Cheese sauce is typically made with cheddar cheese, but for a stronger flavor, gouda cheese works well in this recipe too.
- Vegan Option
If you can’t consume dairy, substitute grass-fed milk and cheese with plant-based milk according to your diet and use plant-based cheese or nutritional yeast in the same amount as the recipe requires. You can omit the mozzarella or replace it with shredded vegan cheese.
- Topping Variations
You can add other toppings like smoked grass-fed brisket pieces, scallions, or grated parmesan cheese to taste.
- Storage
Wendy's Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days or in the freezer for 2 weeks. Reheat in an oven or air fryer at 170°C for 15-20 minutes before serving.
Wendy's Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato

Apa yang kepikiran sama kalian pas denger “Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato”? Kalo aku sih, langsung nostalgia ke Wendy’s, mantan terindah dunia junk food. 😆 Dulu tuh ya, sayuran yang masuk ke perut aku cuma yang ada di burger sama baked potato mereka. Tapi sekarang beda cerita dong. Udah engga jajan junk food, jadi bikin sendiri aja di rumah. Lebih sehat, lebih puas, dan pastinya bisa tambahin brokoli sepuas hati. Brokoli itu kan kaya akan serat! Jadi udah deh, serat tuh sekarang jadi cinta sejati aku. 😍
Ngomong-ngomong soal Wendy’s, ada yang tau engga sih, Wendy itu ternyata nama anak pendiri restorannya? Jadi kan ya, kalo aku bikin versi homemade ini, kayaknya lucu deh kalo dinamain “Kobi’s Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato”? Hahaha, becanda!
Rahasia Baked Potato yang Empuk dan Gurih
Nah, tips pertama nih buat baked potato yang empuk dan flavorful. Kentangnya aku rendem dulu di air garam sekitar 15 menit sebelum masuk oven. Kenapa pake air garam? Ternyata, garam tuh engga cuma bikin kentang ada rasa asin alami, tapi juga bantu bikin tekstur kentangnya lebih creamy di dalam. Garam tuh narik air dari kentang, Bestnic, jadi berat kentang pun menyusut dan bikin lebih empuk. Lapisan luar kentang pun jadi agak kering pas dipanggang, tapi dalamnya tetap lembut.
Cheese Sauce yang Ngeju Tapi Sehat
Buat cheese sauce-nya, aku pilih keju grass-fed. Tau engga apa itu grass-fed? Buat yang belum tau, aku kasih sedikit bocoran deh. Keju grass-fed tuh berasal dari sapi yang makan rumput, bukan pakan buatan. Kandungan nutrisinya lebih kaya, termasuk betakaroten, omega-3 dan vitamin K2. Selain sehat, rasanya tuh lebih creamy dan natural.
Terus, biar warna saus kejunya kuning cantik kayak versi fast food, aku tambahin kunyit bubuk. Ini nih trik sehat yang juga bikin masakan lebih Instagrammable. Engga cuma buat warna, kunyit juga punya kandungan antioksidan dan anti inflamasi tinggi yang bagus buat tubuh.
Oh iya, buat tekstur sausnya, aku pakai potato flakes powder yang fungsinya selain untuk membuat body pada saucenya, juga bisa bikin ngeboost rasa kejunya. Btw kalian tau kan kalo kentang sering dijadikan bahan pengganti keju pada resep vegan?
Kenapa Harus Brokoli?
Sekarang kita bahas superstar-nya, brokoli! Mungkin ada yang mikir, kenapa sih brokoli? Engga bosen apa? Jawabannya: engga, dong! Soalnya brokoli itu kaya manfaat, dan aku tuh ngefans banget sama sayur ini.
- Serat Tinggi
Brokoli itu juaranya serat, bikin pencernaan lancar jaya. Serat juga bantu stabilin gula darah, cocok banget buat yang lagi ngurangin makanan manis.
- Kaya Antioksidan
Brokoli mengandung sulforaphane, senyawa yang bantu lawan radikal bebas. Jadi, selain sehat, konsumsi brokoli juga bisa bikin kulit glowing alami.
- Vitamin C dan Kalsium
Brokoli punya kandungan vitamin C yang lebih tinggi daripada jeruk, lho. Plus, ada kalsium buat kesehatan tulang. Jadi, brokoli tuh engga cuma baik buat anak-anak, tapi juga buat orang dewasa.
- Bantu Detox Tubuh
Kandungan glukosinolat dalam brokoli bantu tubuh proses detoxifikasi lebih efisien. Ini penting banget, terutama kalo kita masih suka makan gorengan atau jajan diluar.
Oiya, biar brokoli tetep hijau cantik dan teksturnya crunchy, aku selalu pake metode blanching sebelum dimasak. Jadi brokoli direndam sebentar di air mendidih sekitar 3 menit, terus langsung dimasukin ke air es. Metode ini tuh bantu ngunci warna dan nutrisi brokoli, jadi pas dimakan tetep juicy dan fresh.
Abis itu, tinggal campurin brokoli ke baked potato, tambahin cheese sauce di atasnya, dan kasih taburan lada hitam atau paprika bubuk biar makin sedap. Kalau mau tambah protein, boleh banget tambahin smoked beef grass-fed brisket kaya aku.
Eh, btw, ada yang kepo engga sih soal grass-fed keju tadi? Kalo banyak yang mau tau, aku bisa banget bikin post khusus bahas ini. Just let me know ya di kolom komen aja!
Dan jangan lupa, pas bikin versi homemade gini, keuntungannya tuh kalian bisa eksplor topping sesuai selera, lho. Mau pake jamur, tomat cherry, atau bahkan potongan alpukat juga oke banget. Ini nih yang bikin homemade cooking itu lebih satisfying dibanding beli di luar.
So, kapan kalian mau coba Wendy’s Hack ala Nonanic?
Menu Cemilan
Asal Masakan Amerika
Kata Kunci brokoli, kentang panggang, brokoli keju, makanan sehat, resep sehat
Waktu Persiapan 15 menit
Waktu Memasak 70 menit
Porsi 10 porsi
Bahan - Bahan
- 1 kg kentang (4-5 buah)
- 750 gr brokoli
- 160 gr keju mozarella grass-fed
- 40 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 1.5 sdt garam laut
- 3 L air + 1 sdm garam laut, untuk merendam kentang
- 3 L air + 1 sdt pure baking soda, untuk mencuci brokoli
- 3 L air mendidih + 3 L air es, untuk blanching
Bahan cheese sauce:
- 40 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 25 gr potato flakes, haluskan
- 400 ml fresh milk
- 60 gr keju cheddar grass-fed, parut
- 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk
- 1/4 sdt garam laut
- 1/4 sdt chicken powder
- 1/4 sdt lada putih bubuk
Cara Membuat
- Tusuk-tusuk kentang yang telah dicuci bersih, rendam ke dalam air garam selama 15 menit.
- Panggang kentang dengan suhu 200 derajat celcius selama 1 jam.
- Potong brokoli, rendam dengan air dan baking powder selama 15 menit untuk membersikan, bilas dengan air matang.
- Siapkan air mendidih, blanching brokoli selama 3 menit, pindahkan ke dalam air es untuk menghentikan proses memasak.
- Panaskan panci kemudian lelehkan butter. Masukkan potato flakes powder, aduk sampai berbulir dan harum.
- Tuang fresh milk sedikit demi sedikit. Lalu masukkan keju, aduk rata.
- Bumbui dengan kunyit bubuk, garam, chicken powder dan merica bubuk. Aduk rata, test rasa.
- Belah kentang panggang menjadi 2, keruk sebagian isinya ke dalam mangkuk.
- Aduk butter grass-fed dan garam laut bersama kentang keruk. Masukkan kembali kerukan kentang ke dalam kulitnya.
- Susun brokoli yang telah ditiriskan keatas kentang. Lalu beri cheese sauce dan taburi keju mozarella.
- Panggang 240°C selama 7 menit, sampai keju mozarella meleleh.
- Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato siap disajikan.
- Ukuran kentang
Resep ini menggunakan kentang lokal berukuran besar. Jika menggunakan kentang lebih kecil, bisa mengurangi waktu panggang sekitar 20 menit. Test dengan tusuk sate, jika dapat dengan mudah menembus bagian tengah, artinya kentang sudah matang.
- Alternatif keju
Umumnya saus keju dibuat dari keju cheddar, tapi jika ingin rasa yang lebih kuat, keju gouda juga cocok dipakai dalam resep ini.
- Opsi vegan
Untuk kamu yang tidak dapat mengkonsumsi dairy, dapat mengganti susu dan keju grass-fed dengan susu nabati sesuai diet serta keju nabati / nutritional yeast sejumlah resep. Dapat meniadakan keju mozarella atau menggantinya dengan keju vegan parut.
- Variasi topping
Dapat menambahkan topping lain seperti potongan smoked grass-fed brisket, daun bawang atau parutan keju parmesan sesuai selera.
- Penyimpanan
Wendy's Hack: Broccoli Cheese Baked Potato dapat disimpan dalam chiller 3 hari atau freezer 2 minggu. Hangatkan menggunakan oven / air fryer 170°C selama 15-20 menit sebelum dikonsumsi.