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    Vegan Cheesy Nachos



    POV: You finally found a creamy and cheesy snack recipe that's dairy-free!

    Hey, #BestNic!

    Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't have many options and had to reluctantly do something that wasn't really comfortable for you? No, no. This isn't about arranged marriages, okay? 🤭

    We're talking about you who might currently feel like you don't have many food choices because you've chosen to follow a healthy diet, whether it's due to allergies, being vegan, vegetarian, or because of your 2024 resolution to start loving yourself inside and out recklessly (thumbs up for you!👍)

    Relatable? I got you, #BestNic! Don't be sad, because Nonanic will always be here to accompany you on that journey and provide inspiration for healthy food choices that you never thought could be so delicious.
    Yes, like this one recipe. A healthy snack recipe with a cheesy taste that's MSG-free, dairy-free, and plant-based,




    A healthy snack suitable for lactose intolerant individuals as well as vegan and vegetarian friends. In addition, this recipe is more digestive-friendly because the cashews used have been activated beforehand.

    So, does anyone still remember why cashews need to be activated before use? Comment down below!

    In my opinion, this recipe is the true definition that healthy doesn't have to be bland. 🥳
    Indeed, having choices sometimes brings peace of mind. But, if you're the one eventually being chosen, don't settle for it, #BestNic! That's a red flag right there.

    Course Appetizers

    Cuisine Mexican

    Keyword Vegan, Cheese Dip, Cheesy Sauce, Vegan Cheese Sauce, Homemade Vegan Sauce

    Prep 5 minutes

    Cook 15 minutes

    Activating 2 hours

    Servings 8 servings



    • 225g whole cashew nuts
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 30g nutritional yeast
    • 225ml almond milk
    • 1 tbsp pickled jalapenos
    • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
    • 1/2 tsp paprika powder
    • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
    • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
    • 1 tsp salt, to taste
    • Black pepper powder, to taste
    • Gluten-free nachos, as needed





    1. Activate cashew nuts by soaking them in 4 cups of water and a pinch of salt for at least 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly.

    2. Boil activated cashew nuts in boiling water for 15 minutes over low heat, then drain.

    3. Blend cooked cashew nuts with garlic, nutritional yeast, almond milk, pickled jalapenos, turmeric powder, paprika powder, garlic powder, Dijon mustard, salt, and black pepper.

    4. Blend until the sauce thickens. If a thinner sauce is desired, additional almond milk can be added. Adjust seasoning.

    5. Serve a portion of the sauce in a small bowl, garnished with chopped spring onions.

    6. Ready to be enjoyed with gluten-free nachos.





    1. Cashew nuts can be soakedfor at least 2 hours.

    2. If you don't like spicy food, you can omit the use of pickled jalapenos & paprika powder.

    3. Vegan Cheesy Sauce can be stored in a clean container and lasts for a week in the chiller. If ready to consume, simply take the desired amount of sauce and add a little hot water.

    4. Freezer storage can last for 3 weeks, just thaw at room temperature and add a little hot water before consuming.

    5. It's recommended to store in several small containers if storing in the freezer, so you can take out a portion of the sauce to consume. Once the thawed sauce should not be refrozen.

    6. The Vegan Cheesy Sauce recipe is suitable for pairing with pasta, French fries, or roasted broccoli according to preference.



    Vegan Cheesy Nachos



    POV: Kamu akhirnya nemuin resep cemilan yang creamy dan cheesy tapi dairy-free!


    Halo, #BestNic!


    Pernah gak sih kamu dihadepin sama keadaan dimana kamu gak punya pilihan dan mau gak mau harus ngejalanin hal yang sebetulnya kurang nyaman buat kamu?


    Bukan, bukan. Ini tuh bukan lagi ngomongin perjodohan paksa kok. 🤭

    Ini ngomongin kamu yang mungkin saat ini ngerasa ga punya banyak pilihan makanan karena kamu memilih untuk menjalani diet sehat, baik itu karena memiliki riwayat alergi, vegan, vegetarian, atau karena resolusi 2024 yang ingin mulai mencintai diri sendiri luar dan dalam secara ugal-ugalan (thumbs up for you!👍)


    Relate? I got you, #BestNic! Jangan sedih, karena Nonanic akan selalu hadir menemani perjalanan kamu itu dan memberikan inspirasi pilihan-pilihan makanan sehat yang pasti kamu gak nyangka bisa seenak ituuuu. 😊


    Yup, kaya resep yang satu ini, nih. Resep cemilan sehat rasa keju yang non-MSG, dairy-free, dan berbahan dasar nabati,




    Cemilan sehat yang cocok untuk lactose intolerant maupun teman-teman vegan dan vegetarian. Selain itu, resep ini  lebih ramah cerna karena kacang mede yang dipakai telah diaktivasi sebelumnya.



    Hayo, ada yang masih ingat kenapa kacang itu harus diaktivasi terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan? Komen dibawah kalo tau, ya!


    Menurutku sih resep ini adalah definisi sebenar-benarnya bahwa yang sehat itu gak harus hambar 🥳


    Memang ya, punya pilihan itu kadang-kadang bikin tenang. Tapi, kalo kamu yang akhirnya dijadikan pilihan, jangan mau ya, #BestNic! Itu sih red flag namanya. 😌


    Asal Masakan Meksiko

    Kata Kunci saus keju nabati, saus keju vegan, cemilan sehat, nachos sehat, resep nachos vegan, resep vegan

    Waktu Persiapan 5 menit

    Waktu Memasak 15 menit

    Porsi 8 servings

    Bahan - Bahan


    • 225gr kacang mede utuh

    • 2 siung bawang putih

    • 30gr nutritional yeast

    • 225ml susu almond

    • 1 sdm acar jalapeno

    • 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk

    • 1/2 sdt paprika bubuk

    • 1/2 sdt bawang putih bubuk

    • 1 sdt mustard dijon

    • 1 sdt garam, sesuai selera

    • Lada hitam bubuk, secukupnya

    • Gluten-free nachos, secukupnya.



    Cara Membuat


    1. Aktivasi kacang mede dengan merendam kacang mede dalam 4 cangkir air dan sejumput garam selama minimal 2 jam, cuci bersih.

    2. Rebus kacang mede aktivasi ke dalam air mendidih selama 15 menit dengan api kecil, lalu tiriskan.

    3. Blender kacang mede matang dengan bawang putih, nutritional yeast, susu almond, acar jalapeno, kunyit bubuk, paprika bubuk bawang putih bubuk, mustard dijon, garam, dan lada hitam.

    4. Haluskan hingga saus mengental. Jika ingin saus lebih encer, bisa menambahkan sedikit susu almond lagi. Koreksi rasa.

    5. Sajikan sebagian saus ke dalam mangkuk kecil, taburi dengan daun bawang cincang.

    6. ⁠Siap dinikmati bersama gluten-free nachos.





    1. Kacang mede dapat direndam minimal 2 jam untuk proses aktivasi.

    2. Jika tidak menyukai pedas, bisa mengabaikan penggunaan acar jalapeno & paprika bubuk.

    3. Vegan Cheesy Sauce dapat disimpan di dalam wadah bersih dan bertahan selama seminggu di dalam chiller. Jika hendak dinikmati, cukup mengambil saus secukupnya dan diberi sedikit air panas.

    4. Penyimpanan di freezer dapat bertahan selama 3 minggu, cukup dengan mencairkan di suhu ruang dan diberi sedikit air panas sebelum dikonsumsi. 

    5. Sebaiknya disimpan ke dalam beberapa wadah kecil jika hendak disimpan di freezer, sehingga dapat mengeluarkan sebagian saus yang hendak dikonsumsi. Dikarenakan saus yang sudah dicairkan tidak disarankan untuk dibekukan kembali.

    6. Resep Vegan Cheesy Sauce cocok dikreasikan bersama pasta, kentang goreng atau brokoli panggang sesuai selera.



    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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