Kunafa Hack: Healthy Dubai Choco

Let's make it viral! Kunafa Hack: Healthy Dubai Choco
Ever thought about turning a Middle Eastern treat like kunafa—known for its creamy and crunchy texture—into a healthier version that’s still super delicious? Well, here it is! Let me share this hack for making Dubai Choco Kunafa without using regular flour. Don’t worry, it’s still just as indulgent!
The main ingredient that makes this hack so genius is coconut flakes. Yup, dry shredded coconut toasted to a crunchy perfection. Not only is it a smart flour substitute, but it also packs some serious health benefits.
Coconut is amazing, Bestnic! It’s naturally gluten-free and loaded with fiber. Just 100 grams of dried coconut gives you around 9 grams of fiber, which is awesome for digestion, keeps you full longer, and can even help lower bad cholesterol.
Coconut also contains healthy fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are easily absorbed by the body and turned into energy, making them perfect for anyone on a healthy eating plan or a keto diet. Toasting the coconut also amps up its aroma and gives it that super crunchy texture—perfect as the base for kunafa!
Oh, and for the chocolate, I’m using dairy-free chocolate here. Chocolate lovers, you’re gonna love this hack because the flavor is still so rich. Dairy-free chocolate is usually made from pure cocoa without cow’s milk, so it’s great for anyone who’s allergic or vegan.
Chocolate itself has a ton of benefits, especially if you go for dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which can help protect your body from free radicals, improve heart health, and even boost your mood.
And of course, I didn’t skip the pistachios—a kunafa classic! To make it even healthier, I used activated pistachios. This process removes antinutrients like lectins, tannins, and protease inhibitors. Pistachios are also high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. (Check out my previous post for how to activate pistachios. Link’s right here: Activating Nuts)
I honestly think this tastes even better than the original. Seriously, the combo of crunchy coconut, dairy-free chocolate, and pistachio butter is totally addictive. Plus, it’s gluten-free, vegan, and guilt-free!
Don’t forget to try this out and let me know how it goes! 😊
Course Snacks
Cuisine Middle East
Keyword dubai choco, healthy dubai choco, viral choco, kunafa, healthy kunafa, vegan choco
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 60 minutes
Activating 8 hours
Servings 22 x 10.4 x 1.9 cm
- 200 gr coconut flakes
- 15 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 200 gr activated peeled pistachios
- 55 mL virgin coconut oil
- 60 mL cassava sugar
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 2 tbsp coconut butter
- 320 gr of 70% dark chocolate couverture
- Melt a portion of the chocolate using bain-marie method. Place a bowl over a saucepan filled with hot water (see Bain-Marie attachment below) and heat until the chocolate is fully melted.
- Pour the melted chocolate into the base of a chocolate mold and spread evenly. Chill in the refrigerator.
- Heat a pan and melt the butter. Add the coconut flakes and toast over low heat until golden brown and crunchy. Set aside.
- Use a dry mill blender to blend the activated pistachios until smooth and slightly oily. Add the coconut virgin oil and blend again until it becomes pistachio butter.
- Mix the toasted coconut flakes, pistachio butter, coconut butter, cassava sugar, and sea salt until well combined.
- Remove the chocolate base from the refrigerator and fill the mold with the prepared filling mixture.
- Melt the remaining chocolate using the bain-marie method.
- Pour the melted chocolate over the filling, ensuring it completely covers the surface. Chill again.
- Your Kunafa Hack: Healthy Dubai Choco is ready to enjoy!
- Heat water to about ⅓ of the pot's height.
- Place a heatproof bowl over the pot, ensuring it doesn’t touch the water.
- Add the ingredients to the bowl and cook using the steam from the hot water.
- This method is commonly used for melting chocolate or butter in baking recipes.
Kunafa Hack: Healthy Dubai Choco

"Ada yang manis gurih nyoklat tapi sehat nih, wajib kita viralkan!"
Pernah nggak sih kepikiran, jajanan manis khas Timur Tengah kayak kunafa, yang biasanya bertekstur creamy dan crunchy itu, bisa dibikin lebih sehat tapi tetep enak? Ini dia! Aku mau share hack bikin kunafa ala Dubai Choco tanpa tepung terigu. Dan tenang, tetep legit kok rasanya!
Nah, bahan utama yang bikin hack ini jenius banget adalah coconut flakes alias kelapa parut kering yang disangrai sampe crunchy. Ini bukan cuma pengganti tepung biasa, tapi juga kaya manfaat.
Kelapa itu beneran juara deh, Bestnic! Selain bebas gluten, kelapa parut juga kaya serat. Dalam 100 gram kelapa kering, ada sekitar 9 gram serat. Serat ini penting banget buat pencernaan, bikin kamu kenyang lebih lama, dan bahkan bisa bantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat.
Kelapa juga mengandung lemak sehat jenis medium-chain triglycerides. Lemak ini gampang diserap tubuh buat energi, jadi cocok banget buat kamu yang lagi ngejalanin pola makan sehat atau keto-friendly. Ditambah lagi, proses sangrai bikin aroma kelapanya makin keluar dan teksturnya jadi lebih crunchy. Mantep banget buat jadi dasar kunafa!
Yup! Disini aku pake dairy-free chocolate, ya. Chocolate lovers pasti happy deh sama hack ini, karena rasanya tetep rich banget. Dairy-free chocolate biasanya dibuat dari cokelat murni tanpa tambahan susu sapi, jadi aman buat kamu yang alergi atau vegan.
Cokelat itu sendiri punya banyak manfaat, terutama kalo kamu pilih dark chocolate dengan kandungan kakao tinggi. Kakao kaya akan antioksidan flavonoid, yang bisa bantu melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas, ningkatin kesehatan jantung, dan bikin mood lebih happy.
Tentunya ga ketinggalan kacang pistachio khas kunafa. Yang bikin lebih sehat, pistachionya udah aku aktivasi untuk menghilangkan zat antinutrisi seperti lektin, tanin, dan protease inhibitor. Selain itu pistachio juga tinggi protein, serat, dan lemak sehat. Cara aktivasi pistachio udah aku share di post sebelumnya, tinggal cek disini ya: Aktivasi Kacang
Aku sih yakin rasanya nggak kalah sama yang original. Malah pede bilang lebih enak! Soalnya, perpaduan kelapa crunchy, dairy-free chocolate, dan pistachio butter itu bener-bener bikin nagih. Plus, ini gluten-free friendly, vegan friendly, dan pastinya guilt-free.
Jangan lupa re-make ya!
Menu Cemilan
Asal Masakan Timur Tengah
Kata Kunci dubai choco, healthy dubai choco, viral choco, kunafa, healthy kunafa, vegan choco
Waktu Persiapan 10 menit
Waktu Memasak 60 menit
Porsi 22 x 10.4 x 1.9 cm
Bahan - Bahan
- 200 gr coconut flakes
- 15 gr salted grass-fed butter
- 200 gr pistachio kupas aktivasi
- 55 mL virgin coconut oil
- 60 mL gula singkong
- 1/2 sdt garam laut
- 2 sdm coconut butter
- 320 gr dark chocolate couverture 70%
Cara Membuat
- Lelehkan sebagian cokelat dengan cara bain-marie ke dalam mangkuk diatas saucepan berisi air panas (lihat attachment Bain-Marie Method di bawah) sampai cokelat meleleh sempurna.
- Tuang ke dalam dasar cetakan cokelat, ratakan. Dinginkan ke dalam chiller.
- Panaskan wajan, cairkan butter. Masukkan coconut flakes, sangrai dengan api kecil sampai crunchy dan berwarna golden brown, sisihkan.
- Siapkan dry mill blender. Masukkan pistachio aktivasi, blender sampai halus dan sedikit berminyak. Masukkan virgin coconut oil, blender sampai menjadi pistachio butter.
- Campur coconut flakes, pistachio butter, coconut butter, gula singkong, garam laut, aduk rata.
- Keluarkan cokelat dari chiller, tuang campuran campuran isi ke dalam cetakan sampai penuh.
- Cairkan kembali sisa cokelat dengan cara bain-marie.
- Tuang keatas cetakan sampai menutupi seluruh bagian isi. Dinginkan.
- Kunafa Hack: Healthy Dubai Choco siap dinikmati.
- Panaskan air setinggi ⅓ panci.
- Letakkan wadah anti panas diatas panci, jangan sampai menyentuh air.
- Masukkan bahan ke dalam wadah, masak menggunakan uap panas dari air.
- Metode ini dapat digunakan untuk melelehkan cokelat atau butter pada resep baking.