Gluten-Free Nugget

Regret not knowing sooner!
From just 300 grams of chicken fillet, you can make 50 nuggets that aren’t just delicious but also gluten-free. Tempting, isn’t it?
Hi, Bestnic! Today I want to share something that’ll make you regret not trying it sooner: Gluten-Free Nuggets that are super easy, affordable, and incredibly healthy. Seriously, if you knew how simple and budget-friendly this is, you’d have been making it ages ago!
Gluten-Free: Healthy Without the Hassle
Before we dive into this nugget recipe, let’s first talk about what gluten is. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. If you’ve ever made bread and noticed the dough becoming stretchy, that’s thanks to gluten. It acts like a “glue” that gives flour-based foods their elasticity and cohesiveness.
However, for some people, gluten can be a big enemy. Some suffer from Celiac Disease, an autoimmune condition where the body reacts negatively to gluten, or gluten sensitivity, which can cause symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, or itchy skin. This is why gluten-free foods are so important.
Gluten-free flours like almond flour, tapioca flour, rice flour, or sago are excellent alternatives for those wanting to live healthier or avoid gluten. They’re not only easier to digest but also nutrient-rich and versatile for cooking. Take almond flour, for example, it's high in protein and vitamin E, which is great for your skin. Rice flour? Perfect for creating soft textures without gluten.
Why Make It Yourself?
Let’s be honest: when you buy packaged nuggets, you never really know what’s in them. Preservatives, MSG, or even wheat flour packed with gluten could be hiding in there. But when you make it yourself, you control everything.
Here’s the secret: I use organic chicken thigh fillet as the main ingredient. Why thighs? They’re juicier than breasts, so even without MSG, the flavor is still incredibly savory!
Not only are these nuggets healthy, but they’re also super practical. You can store them in the freezer for up to two months—perfect for school lunches, your spouse’s office snacks, or even as a midnight snack while binge-watching K-dramas, Bestnic. 🤩
Another fun part of making Gluten-Free Nuggets is shaping the dough however you like—round, square, or even figure eights to mimic store-bought nuggets. The choice is yours!
Oh, and here’s a tip: when steaming, use banana leaves as a base. It adds a natural fragrance reminiscent of traditional snacks from back in the day, making them even more special!
After steaming, dip the nuggets in a wet batter, then coat them with gluten-free crispy flour. The crispy flour is the key to getting that crunchy exterior while keeping the inside juicy. Fry on medium-low heat until golden brown.
The result? Wow. SO GOOD! The crunch is so satisfying, like a crush you just can’t get over. #oops
Why Gluten-Free Is Worth It
Beyond being healthy, there are so many benefits to gluten-free foods, Bestnic.
- For anyone with digestive issues, gluten-free options can bring comfort.
- Gluten-free flours like coconut and almond flour have a low glycemic index, making them friendlier for blood sugar levels.
- Going gluten-free isn’t just about health, it’s also a lifestyle that helps us become more mindful of what we eat.
If you think gluten-free foods are expensive, change your mindset. Yes, ingredients like almond flour or cassava flour may cost more than regular wheat flour. But when you calculate it, making your own is much more cost-effective than buying pre-made products. Plus, you get guaranteed quality.
It’s That Simple!
Making Gluten-Free Nuggets feels like a life hack to me. With just 300 grams of chicken fillet, you get a healthy nugget stash that lasts for weeks.
These nuggets aren’t just great for kids’ lunchboxes, your spouse will love bringing them to work too. And if you’re working late, they’re the perfect midnight snack to silence your grumbling tummy. 😏
What makes it even more exciting is how customizable the batter is. You can add grated carrots, scallions, or spinach to make them healthier. If your kids are picky about veggies, this trick will win them over!
Let’s Recook!
So, who’s ready to stock up on Gluten-Free Nuggets like me? Try this recipe at home!
And don’t forget, if you’ve tried it, tag me on Instagram @nonanic.id, Bestnic. I’d love to see your nugget creations. Let’s spread the love for gluten-free food!
Remember, healthy living doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Start small, like making these nuggets. Who knows? You might fall in love with the gluten-free lifestyle, just like I did. 😇
Course Main Course
Cuisine Indonesian
Keyword gluten free nugget, nugget bebas gluten, nugget sehat, homemade nugget
Prep 5 minutes
Cook 40 minutes
Servings 50 pieces
- 300 gr organic chicken thigh fillet
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 onion, minced
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
- 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
- 2 tsp liquid aminos
- 2 organic eggs
- 45 gr tapioca starch
Wet coating ingredients:
- 75 gr rice flour
- 1 organic egg
- 60 mL water
Dry coating ingredients:
- Fine gluten-free crispy flour, as needed
- Dice the chicken fillet.
- Blend the chicken fillet, garlic, onion, salt, chicken stock powder, pepper, and liquid aminos until 75% smooth.
- Add organic eggs and tapioca starch, then blend until smooth.
- Heat a steamer. Shape the mixture into figure-eight shapes or any desired form on a tray lined with banana leaves greased with coconut oil.
- Steam until half-cooked, about 5-10 minutes.
- Mix the wet coating ingredients. Dip the steamed nuggets into the wet coating.
- Transfer the nuggets to the dry coating.
- Fry over low to medium heat until golden brown. Gluten-Free Nuggets are ready to enjoy.
Gluten-Free Nugget

Nyesel deh baru tau! Dari cuma 300 gram fillet ayam, kita bisa bikin 50 nugget yang bukan cuma enak, tapi juga gluten-free juga. Ngiler, kan?
Hi Bestnic, hari ini aku mau share sesuatu yang bikin kamu nyesel engga nyobain dari dulu: Nugget Gluten-Free yang gampang, hemat, dan sehat banget. Serius deh, kalau tau ini bisa segampang dan sehemat ini, pasti kamu udah recook dari dulu.
Gluten-Free: Sehat Tanpa Ribet
Sebelum kita ngomongin lebih jauh soal nugget ini, yuk bahas dulu, apa sih gluten itu? Gluten adalah protein yang ada di gandum, barley, dan rye. Kalau kamu pernah bikin roti dan adonannya bisa elastis pas ditarik, itu karena gluten. Dia kayak “lem” yang bikin makanan berbasis tepung jadi kenyal dan kohesif.
Tapi, buat sebagian orang, gluten bisa jadi musuh besar. Ada yang punya Celiac Disease, kondisi autoimun di mana tubuh bereaksi buruk sama gluten. Atau yang cuma gluten sensitivity juga ada Gejalanya bisa mulai dari perut kembung, diare, sampai kulit gatal. Di sinilah peran makanan gluten-free jadi penting banget.
Tepung gluten-free kayak tepung almond, tepung tapioka, tepung beras, atau sagu jadi alternatif buat mereka yang pengen hidup lebih sehat atau yang harus menghindari gluten. Selain lebih ramah buat pencernaan, tepung-tepung ini juga kaya nutrisi dan bermanfaat buat masak-memasak. Tepung almond, misalnya, tinggi protein dan vitamin E, bagus banget buat kesehatan kulit. Tepung beras? Cocok buat yang pengen tekstur lembut tanpa gluten.
Kenapa Harus Bikin Sendiri?
Jujur aja, kalau beli nugget kemasan, kamu engga bakal tau pasti bahan-bahannya. Ada pengawet, MSG, bahkan mungkin tepung terigu yang penuh gluten. Nah, kalau bikin sendiri, kamu bisa kontrol semuanya.
Dan ini nih rahasianya! Aku pake fillet paha ayam organik buat bahan utamanya.Kenapa paha? Karena dagingnya lebih juicy daripada dada. Jadi, walaupun engga pake MSG, rasanya tetep gurih banget!
Selain sehat, nugget ini juga praktis banget. Kamu bisa stok di freezer sampai 2 bulan. Cocok buat bekal anak, suami, atau bahkan camilan tengah malam sambil maraton drama Korea, Bestnic. 🤩
Serunya Bikin Nugget Gluten-Free itu kamu bisa bentuk adonannya sesuai selera. Mau bulat, kotak, atau malah bentuk angka 8 biar mirip nugget-nugget kemasan di luar sana. Bebassss!
Oiya, pas bagian ngukus, coba deh pakai alas daun pisang. Ini bikin aromanya makin wangi alami, lho. Kayak jajanan tradisional zaman dulu. Rasanya jadi makin unik!
Abis dikukus, tinggal celupin ke bahan pelapis basah, terus balurin ke tepung crispy gluten-free. Tepung crispy ini kunci buat dapet tekstur nugget yang crunchy di luar tapi tetep juicy di dalam. Goreng pake api sedang cenderung kecil sampai warnanya golden brown.
Hasilnya? Beuh..ga boong. ENAK BANGET WOY! Crispy-nya tuh ngangenin, kayak gebetan yang bikin susah move on. #eh
Kenapa Gluten-Free Itu Worth It
Selain sehat, ada banyak banget manfaat dari makanan gluten-free, Bestnic. Pertama, buat kamu yang punya masalah pencernaan, makanan gluten-free bisa bikin perut lebih nyaman. Kedua, tepung non-gluten kayak tepung kelapa dan almond punya indeks glikemik rendah, jadi lebih ramah buat kamu yang lagi jaga gula darah. Ketiga, gluten-free itu engga cuma soal kesehatan, tapi juga lifestyle yang bikin kita lebih mindful sama apa yang kita makan.
Kalau kamu pikir makanan gluten-free itu mahal, coba deh ubah mindset-nya. Iya, bahan-bahan seperti tepung almond atau tepung singkong bisa lebih mahal dari terigu biasa. Tapi kalau dihitung-hitung, bikin sendiri jauh lebih hemat dibanding beli produk jadi. Ditambah lagi, kamu dapet kualitas yang lebih terjamin.
Sepraktis Ituuu~
Bikin Nugget Gluten-Free itu ibarat life-hack sih buatku. Dengan modal 300 gram fillet ayam aja, udah bisa dapet stok nugget sehat selama 2 minggu.
Soalnya, nugget ini engga cuma bisa buat bekal anak ke sekolah. Suami juga pasti seneng bawa bekal kaya gini ke kantor. Buat kamu yang sering lembur, nugget ini bisa jadi penyelamat perut keroncongan tengah malam, kan. 😏
Yang bikin tambah seru, adonannya gampang banget divariasikan. Kamu bisa tambahin sayuran kayak wortel parut, daun bawang, atau bayam biar makin sehat. Kalau anak-anak susah makan sayur, ini bisa jadi trik jitu, nih!
Recook Yuk!
Jadi, siapa nih yang mau samaan nyetok Nugget Gluten-Free kaya aku? Yuk cobain resep ini di rumah!
Dan jangan lupa, kalau udah nyobain, tag aku di Instagram @nonanic.id ya, Bestnic. Aku pengen lihat kreasi nugget kalian. Let’s spread the love for gluten-free food!
Ingat, hidup sehat engga harus ribet, apalagi mahal. Mulai aja dulu dari langkah kecil kayak bikin nugget ini. Karena, siapa tau, dari sini kamu bisa jatuh cinta sama gaya hidup gluten-free, kayak aku. 😇
Menu Makanan Utama
Asal Masakan Indonesia
Kata Kunci gluten-free nugget, nugget bebas gluten, nugget
Waktu Persiapan 5 menit
Waktu Memasak 40 minutes
Porsi 50 buah
Bahan - Bahan
- 300 gr fillet paha ayam organik
- 3 bh bawah putih, cincang
- 1/2 bh bawang bombay, cincang
- 1/2 sdt garam laut
- 1/2 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk
- 1/2 sdt lada putih bubuk
- 2 sdt liquid aminos
- 2 bh telur organik
- 45 gr sagu
Bahan pelapis basah:
- 75 gr tepung beras
- 1 bh telur organik
- 60 mL air
Bahan pelapis kering:
- Gluten-free tepung crispy halus, secukupnya
Cara Membuat
- Potong dadu fillet ayam.
- Chopper fillet ayam, bawang putih, bawang bombay, garam, kaldu ayam bubuk, lada, liquid aminos sampai 75% halus.
- Tambahkan telur organik, sagu, chopper sampai halus.
- Panaskan kukusan. Cetak adonan menyerupai angka 8 atau bentuk sesuai selera ke atas wadah yang telah diberi alas daun pisang dan dioles dengan minyak kelapa.
- Kukus 1/2 matang, sekitar 5-10 menit.
- Campur bahan pelapis basah. Celupkan nugget kukus.
- Pindahkan ke bahan pelapis kering.
- Goreng ke dalam api kecil menuju sedang sampai kecoklatan. Gluten-Free Nugget siap dinikmati.