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    Homemade Chili Sauce


    Let’s be real, who’s still eating food with that cap kaki sauce? Time to stop, Bestie! Store-bought chili sauces often hide questionable ingredients, preservatives, and who-knows-what in their bottles. Why take the risk when you can enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and way more flavorful option?

    Say hello to Homemade Chili Sauce, your ultimate foodie game-changer! Made fresh, with no preservatives, and packed with bold, authentic flavors, it’s the perfect match for all your favorite dishes. Whether you’re spicing up snacks or elevating a main course, this sauce is here to bring the heat – the healthy way. 🌶️💯

    Trust us, once you try this, there’s no going back to store-bought. Want more tips, recipes, and all things gluten-free goodness? Stay updated with the latest from #GlutenFreeByNonanic.

    Because good food isn’t just about taste. It’s about quality, health, and making every meal a celebration. So, are you ready to take your taste buds on a flavorful, guilt-free journey? Let’s do this!


    Course Condiments and Sauces

    Cuisine American

    Keyword sauce, spicy, homemade, chili sauce, homemade chili sauce

    Prep 5 minutes

    Cook 20 minutes

    Servings 20 servings



    Ingredients A:

    450 gr tomatoes, soaked in apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes. Rinse and remove seeds.

    200 gr curly red chili peppers. Rinse and remove seeds.

    100 gr bird's eye chili peppers. Rinse and remove seeds.

    100 gr garlic

    1 liter water


    Ingredients B:

    250 mL water

    40 gr lemon juice

    50 gr sorghum sugar

    2 tbsp coconut aminos

    4 tsp sea salt






    1. Clean the red curly and bird's eye chili peppers, remove the chili seeds.
    2. Boil tomatoes, chili peppers, and garlic until boiling. Then continue boiling for 30 minutes over low heat with a covered pot.
    3. Blend garlic, chili peppers, tomatoes, and water in ingredients B.
    4. Add lemon juice, sorghum sugar, coconut aminos, and sea salt.
    5. Cook again for 45-60 minutes over low heat with a covered pot. Stir occasionally.
    6. Store in sterilized glass jars.




    1. If you prefer a milder taste, you can add tomatoes according to your taste. Conversely, if you prefer a spicier taste, you can increase the amount of bird's eye chili peppers.

    2. You can use ripe, red local tomatoes.

    3. You can use other low-GI sugars according to your preference such as: coconut sugar, palm sugar, or cassava sugar.

    4. Homemade Chili Sauce can last for 2 weeks in the chiller, and 3 months in the freezer.

    5. The use of plastic gloves is recommended as chili peppers contain capsaicin which can cause a hot and spicy sensation on the skin.

    6. If you prefer a slightly thinner sauce, the final cooking process can be done in just 30-45 minutes or according to your preference.




    Homemade Chili Sauce


    Ngaku deh, siapa yang masih makan pakai saus cap kaki? Stop dulu, Bestie! Saus sambal botolan itu kadang bahan-bahannya kurang berkualitas, banyak pengawet, dan jadi bikin gak sehat. Ngapain ambil risiko kalau ada pilihan yang lebih sehat dan rasanya jauh lebih enak? 

    Kenalin, Homemade Chili Sauce, solusi sambal sehat yang jadi game changer buat kamu! Dibuat tanpa pengawet, lebih bersih, dan rasanya juara banget. Cocok banget jadi teman semua jenis makanan kamu. Dari camilan sampai menu utama, semua jadi lebih mantap. 🌶️🔥 Sekali coba, kamu gak bakal balik lagi ke sambal botolan deh. Mau resep-resep seru, tips, dan info gluten-free lainnya? Stay tuned!


    Asal Masakan Amerika

    Kata Kunci saos rumahan, saus homemade, saus sambal homemade, tanpa pengawet, tanpa MSG

    Waktu Persiapan 5 menit

    Waktu Memasak 20 menit

    Porsi 20 porsi

    Bahan - Bahan


    Bahan A:

    • 450 gr tomat, rendam dengan cuka apel 15 menit. Cuci lalu buang biji.

    • 200 gr cabe keriting. Cuci lalu buang biji.

    • 100 gr cabe rawit. Cuci lalu buang biji.

    • 100 gr bawang putih

    • 1 Lt air


    Bahan B:

    • 250 mL air

    • 40 gr cuka lemon

    • 50 gr gula sorghum

    • 2 sdm coconut aminos

    • 4 sdt garam laut 



    Cara Membuat


    1. Bersihkan cabe merah keriting dan rawit, buang biji cabe.

    2. Rebus tomat , cabe dan bawang putih sampai mendidih. Lalu lanjut rebus selama 30 menit dengan api kecil dan panci tertutup

    3. Blender bawang, cabe, tomat dan air di bahan B.

    4. Tambahkan cuka lemon, sorghum, coconut aminos, dan garam laut

    5. Masak kembali 45-60 menit memakai api kecil dengan panci tertutup. Aduk sesekali.

    6. Simpan dalam toples kaca steril. 





    1. Jika menyukai rasa yang tidak terlalu pedas, dapat menambahkan tomat sesuai selera. Sebaliknya jika menyukai rasa yang lebih pedas, dapat menambahkan jumlah cabai rawit.

    2. ⁠Dapat menggunakan tomat lokal yang sudah matang dan berwarna merah keseluruhan.

    3. Dapat menggunakan gula low-GI lain sesuai selera seperti: gula kelapa, gula aren atau gula singkong.

    4. Homemade Chili Sauce dapat bertahan 2 minggu di chiller, dan 3 bulan di freezer.

    5. Penggunaan sarung tangan plastik sebaiknya tidak diskip karena cabai memiliki kandungan capsaicin yang menimbulkan rasa pedas dan panas pada tangan.

    6. Jika menyukai saus yang agak encer, proses memasak akhir cukup 30-45 menit saja atau sesuai selera.



    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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