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    Nasi Goreng Kembang Kol


    "...the compound sulforaphane found in cauliflower is also anti-inflammatory, BestNic. That means it can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules in our bodies. So, if your body is experiencing inflammation, cauliflower can help inhibit and reduce that inflammation. Awesome, right?"



    Hello, BestNic! Good evening from Nona, who's currently wrapped up thinking about what to eat tonight. Girls are like that, aren't they? Fussy about things that aren't there yet, with plenty of wants. Hehehe.


    But hey, BestNic do you agree? When it's cold like this, it tends to make you crave for food, especially at night. Like Nona right now. Nona's daydreaming about savory Fried Rice because of browsing through the online delivery app. But unfortunately, due to health reasons, Nona hasn't eaten rice for several years now. Well, instead of getting food, it'll just send stress later. #sad


    But luckily, Nona has found a replacement for the Fried Rice. Yes, I have found a fried rice recipe without rice, BestNic! Wow... this recipe is a real lifesaver for Nona, a fried rice lover. And surely, this recipe will also be a game-changer for those of you who are rice-intolerant or avoiding rice carbs.


    🙋: "Huh? Is there fried rice without rice?"

    👩🏻‍🍳: "Of course! So, Nona uses cauliflower as a substitute for rice and makes it healthier because it's without MSG or processed food. Nonanic style, as usual, all-natural." 😎






    By the way, did you know that cauliflower is packed with many nutrients and plant compounds that are good for your body's health?


    So, this vegetable contains good sources of fiber that can slow down the digestive system and make you feel full for longer.


    Moreover, the compound sulforaphane found in cauliflower is also anti-inflammatory, BestNic. That means it can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules in our bodies. So, if your body is experiencing inflammation, cauliflower can help inhibit and reduce that inflammation. Awesome, right?




    So, cooking healthy is actually easy, BestNic. Especially when you already know Nonanic. Hehehe.


    What's difficult, you ask? Conquering your heart. #cheeky


    Alright, enough with the cheesy lines, because it's dinner time now. Nona's going to cook first, okay, BestNic. See you in other #60secondshealthier recipes from me! 🥰

    Course Main Course

    Cuisine Indonesian

    Keyword fried rice, rice intolerant, non-MSG, healthy friend rice, healthy recipe

    Prep 10 minutes

    Cook 10 minutes

    Servings 2 servings



    Ingredients A:

    • 1 cauliflower, finely chopped

    • 1 egg, scrambled

    • 2 stalks of spring onion, finely chopped

    • 1 tsp salt

    • ½ tsp MSG-free mushroom seasoning


    Ingredients B (Ground Spices):

    • 5 shallots

    • 3 garlic cloves

    • 2 turmeric roots (about 4-5 cm)

    • 1 segment of galangal (about 2-3 cm)





    1. Process the cauliflower in a food processor or finely chop with a knife.

    2. Scramble the egg and drain excess oil. (You can scramble it, make it into an omelet, or fry it randomly submerged in hot oil like I did)

    3. Grind the Ingredients B into a paste using a mortar and pestle or a chopper.

    4. Heat enough coconut oil in a pan, then sauté the ground spices.

    5. Add salt, MSG-free mushroom seasoning, and chopped spring onion.

    6. Serve with fried shallots.





    1. Cauliflower Fried Rice can be cooked using your favorite fried rice recipe.
    2. In addition to using a food processor, cauliflower can be finely grated or finely chopped using a knife.
    3. For lower calories, eggs can be scrambled with a little oil or replaced with boiled egg toppings.
    4. If preferred, cauliflower can also be replaced with broccoli.
    5. Don't forget to wash the vegetables first by soaking them in saltwater for 15-20 minutes. (For washing fruits & vegetables, click 4 Natural Ingredients to Wash Vegetables and Fruits )



    Nasi Goreng Kembang Kol


    "...senyawa sulforaphane yang ada di dalam kembang kol juga bersifat antiinflamasi, lho. Itu artinya dia bisa mengurangi produksi molekul proinflamasi dalam tubuh kita. So, kalo tubuhmu lagi mengalami peradangan, kembang kol bisa membantu peradangan tersebut menjadi terhambat dan mereda."



    Halo, BestNic! Selamat sore menjelang malam dari Nona yang lagi selimutan mikirin mau makan apa nanti malam. Memang cewe itu suka gitu ya. Mengada-ada yang belum ada alias banyak maunya! Huhehehhe


    Abisnya cuaca belakangan lagi sering ujan dan dingin, untung gak sedingin benua yang paling selatan yaitu ANTARAKITA. 😒


    Eh tapi #BestNic setuju kan, kalo cuaca dingin gini tuh biasanya suka bikin pengen ngunyaaah terus. Apalagi malam-malam gini. Kaya Nona sekarang nih. Nona lagi terbayang-bayang Nasi Goreng gurih gara-gara liatin aplikasi delivery online. Tapi sayangnya, karena alasan kesehatan, Nona udah gak pernah makan nasi lagi beberapa tahun ini. Nah lho, yang ada nanti Go*ood bukan ngirim makanan malah ngirim tekanan. 😌


    Tapi untungnya Nona udah punya pengganti si dia, eh, pengganti Nasi Goreng yang resepnya tanpa nasi, lho #BestNic! Beuh…resep ini tuh lifesaver banget deh buat Nona yang pecinta nasi goreng. Dan pastinya resep yang satu ini juga bakal jadi game changer buat kamu yang rice-intolerant ataupun yang lagi menghindari karbo nasi. 


    🙋: “Hah? Emang ada nasi goreng tanpa nasi?”

    👩🏻‍🍳: “Ada dong! Jadi Nona pakai kembang kol sebagai pengganti nasinya dan Nona bikin lebih sehat karena tanpa MSG ataupun processed food didalamnya.  Nonanic style, as usual, all-natural” 😎




    By the way, kalian tau ga sih kembang kol itu mengandung banyak nutrisi dan senyawa tanaman yang baik untuk kesehatan tubuh? 


    Jadi sayuran yang satu ini tuh mengandung sumber serat baik yang bisa memperlambat sistem pencernaan dan bikin rasa kenyang lebih lama. 


    Selain itu senyawa sulforaphane yang ada di dalam kembang kol juga bersifat antiinflamasi, lho BestNic. Itu artinya dia bisa mengurangi produksi molekul proinflamasi dalam tubuh kita. So, kalo tubuhmu lagi mengalami peradangan, kembang kol bisa membantu peradangan tersebut menjadi terhambat dan mereda. Mantap kan




    Jadi sebetulnya masak sehat itu mudah, ya BestNic. Apalagi kalo udah kenal Nonanic. 😎


    Yang sulit itu apa tau ga? Menaklukan hatimu 😏#eaaa 


    Udahan ah gombalnya, karena udah waktunya makan malam nih. Nona mau masak dulu ya, #BestNic. Sampai ketemu di resep #60DETIKLEBIHSEHAT bersama Nonanic lainnya 🥰


    Asal Masakan Indonesia

    Kata Kunci nasi goreng, nasi goreng sehat, resep tanpa MSG, resep nasi goreng sehat, kembang kol, resep kembang kol, alergi nasi

    Waktu Persiapan 10 menit

    Waktu Memasak 10 menit

    Porsi 2 porsi

    Bahan - Bahan


    Bahan A:

    • 1 buah kembang kol, cincang halus

    • 1 telor, goreng orak arik

    • 2 tangkai daun bawang, cincang halus

    • 1 sdt garam

    • ½ sdt bumbu jamur tanpa MSG


    Bahan B (Bumbu Halus):

    • 5 buah bawang merah

    • 3 buah bawang putih

    • 2 buah kunyit @4-5 cm

    • 1 ruas kencur / 2-3 cm



    Cara Membuat


    1. Haluskan kembang kol dengan food processor atau cincang halus dengan pisau.

    2. Goreng telur, tiriskan. (Boleh di orak arik, didadar, atau di goreng acak dengan terendam minyak panas kaya aku)

    3. Haluskan Bumbu B dengan ulekan atau chopper.

    4. Panaskan minyak kelapa secukupnya lalu tumis bumbu halus.

    5. Tambahkan garam, bumbu jamur tanpa MSG, dan potongan daun bawang.

    6. Sajikan dengan bawang goreng.





    1. Nasi Goreng Kembang Kol dapat dimasak menggunakan resep nasi goreng favorit masing-masing.

    2. ⁠Selain menggunakan food processor, kembang kol dapat dihaluskan dengan parutan kasar atau dicincang halus menggunakan pisau.

    3. ⁠Untuk kalori yang lebih rendah, telur dapat diorak-arik dengan sedikit minyak, atau diganti dengan topping telur rebus.

    4. Jika suka, kembang kol dapat juga diganti dengan brokoli.

    5. Jangan lupa sayuran dicuci terlebih dahulu dengan direndam air garam selama 15-20 menit (untuk tau caranya klik Tips Mencuci Buah & Sayur dengan Bahan Alami). 




    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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