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    Stir-Fried Water Spinach with Galangal


    For those of us facing the challenges of allergies, finding a fragrance that doesn't trigger an immediate itch is a constant quest. Same reason why my destiny led me to the world of unscented soaps, a reality that thankfully I have already accepted with grace.


    Especially when my husband reminds me, "Don't worry, being healthy is worth more than being fragrant." 

    I guess he's definitely mastered the art of making his wife happy 😀

    On the other hand, I'm quite happy my passion in cooking spoils my senses to cook fragrant dishes. Meet our special menu,

     Stir-fried Water Spinach with Galangal

    A simple menu that has become our family’s favorite. The aroma it creates is so irresistible – it fills every corner of our home everytime i cook it!


    Now, let's talk about the untold hero of our recipe – galangal. Beyond its fragrance, galangal boasts a lot of health benefits.

    Did you know?

    that it has remarkable anti-fungal properties? This plant isn't just a culinary delight; it's a herbal medicine with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic properties.


    In historical contexts, galangal was used as a natural remedy for various skin diseases, making it more than just a flavorful addition to your dishes.


    So, who else is ready to elevate their culinary game with the wonders of galangal?


    Let the enticing aroma and health benefits of our Stir-Fried Water Spinach with Galangal inspire your next culinary adventure!


    Course Main Course

    Cuisine Asian, Indonesian

    Keyword vegan, non-msg, water spinach, stir-fried, galangal, fragrant

    Prep 10 minutes

    Cook 15 minutes

    Servings 2 servings


    • 250g Organic Water Spinach, thoroughly washed

    • 2 cloves garlic, chopped

    • 3 bird's eye chilies, chopped

    • 2 inches of galangal

    • 1 tbsp coconut oil

    • 1 tsp salt

    • 1/2 tsp MSG-free mushroom seasoning


    1. Heat the stove over medium heat.
    2. Add coconut oil.
    3. Sauté garlic, chili, and galangal until aromatic.
    4. Add water spinach, sauté until partially wilted.
    5. Add salt and mushroom seasoning
    6. Stir until cooked and ready to serve.





        1.Choose young water spinach for a tender result.

        2. You can add bay leaves, lemongrass, or tomatoes according to preference.

    1. Cook the water spinach briefly to keep it fresh and green.

    2. The process of sautéing water spinach can be expedited by covering the pan. After adding the seasoning, cover the pan for 1 minute over high heat. The trapped steam will help evenly cook the sautéed water spinach.

    3. Sautéed water spinach is best consumed within 30 minutes to prevent bacterial growth.


    Stir-Fried Water Spinach with Galangal




    Kalo kamu punya alergi kulit, kamu pasti tau deh rasanya mandi tapi udahnya gak wangi. Karena wewangian itu ternyata bisa jadi musuh yang nyakitin :(


    Dan kalo kamu punya alergi kulit, kamu juga pasti tau sulitnya nemuin wewangian yang gak bikin kulitmu gatel-gatel karena alergi sama bahan kimia. Kadang suka kesel sendiri deh. Bikin ‘huft’ bgt ya emang si alergi ini.


    Tapi sebenernya aku sih udah gak sesedih itu mengenai urusan wangi-mewangi ini. Tau gak kenapa? Karena kata suamiku, “Jangan khawatir, sayang. Wangi memang point plus. Tapi kamu sehat tuh point-nya dua plus, tau.“ 


    Ahhhh emang boleeeh sepengertian itu 😊

    Kalo punya jodoh yang tau cara bikin istrinya happy kaya dia sih, aku gak papa deh gak berjodoh sama si sabun wangi. Yang penting ada dia yang selalu bikin happy. 



    Buat membalas dia biar happy juga, aku siap masakin dia makanan yang wangi-wangi. Kaya yang satu ini. Resep andalanku yang kalo masak ini, jangan tanya, wanginya satu rumah! 🍃

    Kenalin, si dia yang wangi walopun gak habis mandi:


    Tumis Kangkung Lengkuas


    Kalian udah tau belum kalo lengkuas ini selain wangi juga banyak khasiatnya buat kulit lho, #BestNic.



    Karena lengkuas itu adalah tanaman yang mengandung anti-jamur, anti-radang dan anti bakteri yang dulunya sering dipakai buat ngobatin penyakit kulit. Udah gak diragukan lagi kan manfaatnya?

    Kalo kamu mau coba bikin dirumah, aku share resepku disini ya. You can also save and share if you like. Happy cooking!





    Asal Masakan Indonesia

    Kata Kunci kangkung, sayur, lengkuas, tumis, wangi, vegan

    Waktu Persiapan 10 menit

    Waktu Memasak 15 menit

    Porsi 2 porsi

    Bahan - Bahan

    • 250gr kangkung organik, cuci bersih

    • 2 butir bawang putih, potong-potong

    • 3 buah cabe rawit, potong-potong

    • 1 sdm minyak kelapa

    • 1 sdt garam

    • 1/2 sdt bumbu jamur tanpa msg

    • 1 ruas jempol lengkuas


    Cara Membuat

    1. Panaskan kompor menggunakan api sedang

    2. Masukkan minyak kelapa

    3. Tumis bawang, cabai, lengkuas sampai wangi

    4. Masukkan kangkung, tumis sampai setengah layu

    5. Masukkan garam, bumbu jamur, aduk sampai matang

    6. Sajikan


    1. Pilihlah tipe kangkung yang masih muda agar hasilnya lebih empuk.

    2. #BestNic bisa menambahkan daun salam, sereh, tomat sesuai selera. 

    3  Lamanya memasak kangkung cukup sebentar saja agar kangkung tetap segar dan hijau.

    4. Setelah memasukan bumbu, tutup panci selama 1 menit menggunakan api besar. Proses menutup panci ini dapat mempersingkat waktu menumis sayur agar tidak perlu terlalu lama. Uap yang terperangkap di dalam tutup akan membantu Tumis Kangkung matang merata.

    5. Tumis kangkung sebaiknya segera dihabiskan dalam 30 menit untuk mencegah timbulnya bakteri.


    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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