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    • Bandung
    • 081399441986

    Homemade Chocolate Sauce


    Finally, I’ve found my true soulmate! Chocolate Sauce that melts the heart, glides perfectly on the tongue, and is always there to brighten any moment. 💞 Seriously, this recipe is something special. It’s super chocolaty, just the right amount of sweetness, and has that melt-in-your-mouth texture that’s simply irresistible!

    It’s perfect as a morning toast spread, a fancy oatmeal topping, or honestly... I love snacking on it straight from the jar. 😆

    What makes me love it even more is how guilt-free it is! It’s dairy-free, lactose-free, casein-free, and vegan-friendly, a true definition of healthy indulgence with zero drama. No worrying about extra calories or uncomfortable ingredients here.

    You have to try it, it’s the complete package that will make you say, “Why didn’t I know about this sooner?!”


    Course Condiments and Sauces

    Cuisine American

    Keyword healthy chocolate sauce, dairy-free, vegan drink, preservative-free

    Prep 5 minutes

    Cook 10 minutes

    Servings 15 servings


    • 250 ml plant-based milk
    • 200 gr dark chocolate couverture 70%
    • 20 gr organic cane sugar
    • 9 gr non-GMO Maizena
    • 20 mL water
    • A pinch of Himalayan salt




    1. Heat the milk, granulated sugar, salt, and chocolate until melted and well combined.

    2. Dissolve the cornstarch in water, then add it to the chocolate mixture and stir until thickened.

    3. Store in a covered container once the temperature has cooled or can be used immediately.





    1. Chocolate Sauce can be used as a spread for bread, garnish for various foods and drinks.

    2. It can be used as a snack by pouring it into a square pan, cutting it into pieces when cooled, and sprinkling with raw cacao chocolate powder.

    3. Because it does not contain chemicals, it is recommended to store Chocolate Sauce in a sterilized glass jar for longer shelf life.

    4. Chocolate Sauce can last for 3 days at room temperature, 2 weeks in the refrigerator. If you want to liquefy it again, simply soak the glass jar in hot / boiling water.

    5. Plant-based milk such as almond, oat, or coconut can be used according to diet and preference.

    6. If desired, plant-based milk can be replaced with grass-fed milk.




    Homemade Chocolate Sauce


    Akhirnya aku ketemu soulmate sejati! Selai Cokelat yang bikin hati meleleh, lumer pas banget di lidah, dan selalu ada buat nemenin segala suasana 💞 Serius, ini tuh resep yang istimewa banget. Nyoklatnya pol, manisnya engga lebay, dan teksturnya lumer-lumer gimanaa gitu! Cocok banget buat olesan roti pagi-pagi, topping oatmeal biar makin fancy, atau ya... jujur aja, aku suka ngemilin langsung dari jar-nya. 😆


    Yang bikin makin jatuh cinta, ini tuh super guilt-free! Dairy-free, lactose-free, casein-free, vegan-friendly, pokoknya definisi ngemil sehat tanpa drama. Engga usah mikirin kalori berlebih atau bahan-bahan yang bikin perut engga nyaman. Kamu wajib cobain deh, ini bener-bener paket komplit yang bakal bikin kamu bilang, “Kenapa aku baru tau sekarang sih?!”


    Asal Masakan Amerika

    Kata Kunci saus cokelat sehat, dairy-free, vegan drink, tanpa pengawet

    Waktu Persiapan 5 menit

    Waktu Memasak 10 menit

    Porsi 15 porsi

    Bahan - Bahan


    • 250 mL susu nabati
    • 200 gr dark chocolate couverture 70%
    • 20 gr gula tebu organik
    • 9 gr maizena non-GMO
    • 20 mL air
    • Sejumput garam Himalaya



    Cara Membuat

    1. Masukkan susu cair, gula pasir, garam dan cokelat hingga meleleh dan tercampur.
    2. Larutkan maizena dengan air, lalu masukkan ke campuran cokelat tadi dan aduk aduk hingga mengental.
    3. Simpan di wadah tertutup ketika suhu sudah turun atau bisa langsung digunakan.




    1. Chocolate Sauce dapat digunakan sebagai olesan roti, garnish aneka makanan dan minuman.
    2. Dapat dijadikan cemilan dengan cara dicetak ke dalam loyang kotak, dipotong-potong ketika sudah dingin, dan diberi taburan raw cacao chocolate powder.
    3. ⁠Dikarenakan tidak menggunakan bahan kimia, disarankan untuk menyimpan Chocolate Sauce ke dalam jar kaca yang sudah disteril agar lebih awet.
    4. Chocolate Sauce dapat bertahan 3 hari pada suhu ruang, 2 minggu di lemari pendingin. Jika ingin dicairkan kembali cukup rendam jar kaca ke dalam air panas / mendidih.
    5. Dapat menggunakan susu nabati seperti almond, oat, kelapa, yang sesuai dengan diet dan selera.
    6. Jika menginginkan, dapat mengganti susu nabati dengan grass-fed milk.
    7. Gula organik dapat diganti dengan sorghum sugar, gula kelapa atau gula aren sesuai selera.

    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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