Starbucks Hack: Hot Chocolate

Please, don’t boycott this one, okay? Besides being super tasty, it’s also good for your health because it won’t upset your stomach!
Hi, Bestnic! Rainy weather like this calls for something warm to drink, right? But going to coffee shops can burn a hole in your pocket! Not to mention, you end up with an upset stomach after. 🥴 That’s why today I’m sharing an awesome hack for you hot chocolate lovers who want something healthier and tummy-friendly.
Do you still go to coffee shops just to order hot chocolate because you can’t drink coffee? Then, after paying a hefty price, you end up with an upset stomach because cow’s milk doesn’t agree with you? If that sounds like you, you need to keep reading!
Coffee shop hot chocolate is tempting, but who says you can’t make a healthier and equally delicious version at home? Here’s the solution: vegan-friendly, dairy-free Hot Chocolate!
- Tummy-Friendly and Dairy-Free
This hot chocolate uses plant-based milk, so it’s lactose-free. You can choose almond, oat, or soy milk to suit your taste. Plant-based milk isn’t just delicious but also healthier and perfect for those allergic to cow’s milk or prone to tummy troubles after drinking it.
For a more satisfying experience, you can even make homemade plant-based milk! I’ve shared an easy recipe for almond milk before, so check out that post. Almond Milk
- Naturally Sweetened with Dates
Refined sugar? Bye-bye! This recipe uses organic dates as a natural sweetener. Not only do they make the hot chocolate super creamy, but they’re also packed with fiber and nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and vitamin B6. So, it’s not just sweet—it’s nutrient-dense!
- The Power of Dark Chocolate and Raw Cacao
Everyone knows dark chocolate is delicious, but did you know it has numerous health benefits too? Studies show that dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which are great for heart health. Plus, the raw cacao powder used in this recipe is a fantastic source of magnesium, helping you relax and sleep better.
Just make sure to pick dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao content. If possible, go for options without added sugar or dairy to keep it vegan-friendly.
The secret to this hot chocolate lies in the organic dates. Blend the dates with raw cacao powder until smooth. Add a little hot water if needed to make blending easier. Then mix it with warm plant-based milk and chopped dark chocolate. Don’t forget to add vanilla paste for an irresistible aroma. Stir well, pour into your favorite mug, and enjoy!
Dark chocolate isn’t just tasty; it also offers several health benefits that’ll convince you to indulge:
Mood Booster
Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which helps improve mood. Having a bad day? A cup of this hot chocolate is the perfect pick-me-up, Bestnic! -
Heart Health
The flavonoids in dark chocolate help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart. So, sipping this hot chocolate isn’t just a treat—it’s heart-healthy too! -
Great for Skin
Research suggests that antioxidants in dark chocolate can protect your skin from UV rays. So, while you sip, your skin gets a glow-up!
This vegan hot chocolate is perfect for any moment. Whether you’re relaxing in the afternoon, reading a book, or snacking with friends, it’s a great choice. On chilly days, top it with vegan marshmallows for the ultimate cozy vibe.
What healthy versions of junk food or fast food hacks should I make next? Drop your ideas in the comments, and who knows, your suggestion might become my next content!
So, are you ready to enjoy coffee shop-style hot chocolate at home?
Course Drinks
Cuisine Indonesian
Keyword drink, plant-based, lactose free, dairy free, milk, hot chocolate
Prep 30 minutes
Cook 30 minutes
Servings 4 servings
- 7 organic dates
- 250 mL unsweetened almond milk, for soaking the dates
- 90 gr raw cacao powder
- 250 gr dairy-free 70% dark chocolate couverture, chopped
- 500 mL unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla paste
- Remove the pits from the dates.
- Soak the dates in 250 mL milk for 30–120 minutes.
- In a blender, combine raw cacao powder with water. Add the soaked dates and milk, then blend until smooth to create a chocolate paste.
- In a saucepan, heat 500 mL milk.
- Add the chocolate paste and stir until well combined.
- Stir in the vanilla paste.
- Add the chopped chocolate and stir until melted. Turn off the heat.
- Your Starbucks Hack: Hot Chocolate is ready to enjoy!
Starbucks Hack: Hot Chocolate

Please, yang ini jangan diboikot ya! Soalnya selain enak, ini pro-kesehatanmu, karena ga bikin sakit perut!
Hi, Bestnic! Ujan ujan gini enaknya minum yang anget-anget gak sih? Tapi kalo ke coffee shop suka bikin boncos! Mana habisnya suka mules-mules lagi 🥴 Makanya kali ini aku bawa hack keren buat kamu yang suka banget hot chocolate, tapi pengen yang lebih sehat dan ramah cerna.
Kamu masih sering mampir coffee shop cuma buat pesen hot chocolate, soalnya ga bisa minum kopi? Abis itu, udah bayar mahal, malah mules-mules karena ga cocok sama susu sapi? Yang kayak gini nih, fix kamu harus baca sampai habis!
Hot chocolate di coffee shop emang menggoda banget, tapi siapa bilang kamu ga bisa bikin versi yang lebih sehat dan tetap enak di rumah? Ini dia solusinya: vegan-friendly, dairy-free Hot Chocolate!
Ramah Cerna dan Bebas Dairy
Hot chocolate ini dibuat pakai susu nabati, jadi bebas laktosa. Kamu bisa pilih susu almond, oat, atau soy, sesuai selera. Susu nabati ga cuma enak, tapi juga lebih sehat dan cocok buat kamu yang alergi susu sapi atau sering mules setelah minum susu.
Kalau mau lebih puas, kamu juga bisa bikin susu nabati homemade! Aku pernah share cara gampang bikin almond milk di rumah, jadi cek postingan ini dulu, ya: Almond Milk -
Kurma Si Pemanis Alami
Gula rafinasi? Bye-bye! Di sini, kita pakai kurma organik sebagai pemanis alami. Selain bikin tekstur hot chocolate jadi creamy banget, kurma juga kaya akan serat dan nutrisi seperti magnesium, potasium, dan vitamin B6. Jadi, bukan cuma manis, tapi juga nutrient-dense! -
Kekuatan Dark Chocolate dan Raw Cacao
Semua tahu dark chocolate itu nikmat, tapi tahu ga kalau dark chocolate juga punya banyak manfaat kesehatan? Penelitian bilang, dark chocolate kaya antioksidan seperti flavonoid yang bagus buat kesehatan jantung. Selain itu, raw cacao powder yang kita pakai di resep ini juga sumber magnesium yang bikin tubuh rileks dan tidur lebih nyenyak.
Tapi ingat ya, pilih dark chocolate dengan kandungan kakao minimal 70%. Kalau bisa, cari yang tanpa tambahan gula atau susu supaya tetap vegan-friendly.
Rahasia hot chocolate ini ada di kurma organiknya. Blend kurma bareng raw cacao powder sampai halus. Tambahkan sedikit air panas kalau perlu biar gampang diblender. Setelah itu, campur sama susu nabati panas dan dark chocolate cincang. Jangan lupa tambahin vanilla paste biar aromanya makin menggoda. Aduk rata, tuang ke mug favoritmu, dan siap dinikmati!
Dark chocolate bukan cuma enak, tapi juga punya banyak manfaat kesehatan yang bikin kamu makin yakin buat konsumsi:
Mood Booster
Dark chocolate mengandung senyawa theobromine yang bantu ningkatin mood. Kalau lagi bad day, secangkir hot chocolate ini bisa jadi pelipur lara banget, Bestnic!
Kesehatan Jantung
Flavonoid di dark chocolate bantu menurunkan tekanan darah dan meningkatkan aliran darah ke jantung. Jadi, minum hot chocolate ini bukan cuma nikmat, tapi juga bikin jantungmu happy! -
Baik Buat Kulit
Penelitian bilang, antioksidan di dark chocolate bisa melindungi kulit dari sinar UV. Jadi, sambil ngopi cantik, kulitmu juga ikutan glowing!
Hot chocolate vegan ini cocok banget buat berbagai suasana. Lagi pengen santai sore, baca buku, atau bahkan buat ngemil bareng temen-temen, ini bisa jadi pilihan. Kalau lagi dingin, tambah marshmallow vegan di atasnya buat sensasi cozy yang maksimal.
Next mau aku bikinin junk food hack atau fast food hack apa lagi nih biar jadi versi sehat? Komen di bawah ya, siapa tahu idemu aku bikinin di konten selanjutnya.
Jadi gimana, udah siap nikmatin hot chocolate ala coffee shop di rumah?
Menu Minuman
Asal Masakan Indonesia
Kata Kunci susu almond, susu nabati, susu vegan, activated nut, resep vegan, minuman sehat, hot chocolate, cokelat panas
Waktu Persiapan 30 menit
Waktu Memasak 30 menit
Porsi 4 gelas
Bahan - Bahan
- 7 bh kurma organik
- 250 mL unsweetened almond milk, untuk merendam kurma
- 90 gr raw cacao powder
- 250 gr dairy-free dark chocolate couverture 70%, cincang
- 500 mL unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 sdt vanilla paste
Cara Membuat
- Buang biji kurma.
- Rendam kurma bersama 250 mL susu, selama 30 - 120 menit.
- Di dalam blender, campur raw cacao chocolate powder bersama air. Masukkan kurma dan susu yang sudah direndam, blender sampai halus menjadi pasta cokelat.
- Siapkan saucepan, panaskan 500 mL susu.
- Masukkan pasta cokelat, aduk rata.
- Tambahkan vanilla paste, aduk rata.
- Masukkan potongan cokelat cincang, aduk hingga meleleh. Matikan api.
- Starbucks Hack: Hot Chocolate siap dinikmati.