Crispy Almond Cookie

"Almonds are packed with Vitamin E, which is great for your skin. Eating almonds regularly can give you that natural glow!"
Alright, Bestnic, let’s talk about Crispy Almond Cookies! These crispy treats are not only gluten-free but also super addictive, and I’m sharing all the goodness behind almonds to make your snacking even more enjoyable!
So, what makes these Crispy Almond Cookies so popular? First off, they’re genuinely gluten-free, guys! No flour at all, and you only need 5 ingredients. Amazing, right? Unlike regular cookies that usually include flour, here the star is sliced almonds. Why almonds? Well, it turns out they have tons of benefits for the body, especially for those of us who want to snack healthily but still enjoy delicious flavors!
Before we get into how to make these cookies, let me share some of the benefits of almonds, Bestnic.
- Nutrient-Rich: Almonds are packed with Vitamin E, which is great for your skin. Eating almonds regularly can give you that natural glow!
- Plant-Based Protein: If you’re on a diet or vegetarian, almonds are a great source of protein. They keep you full for longer because of their high protein content.
- Rich in Antioxidants: Almonds contain antioxidants that help the body fight free radicals. This is important for long-term health and also helps slow down the aging process.
- High in Fiber: Good digestion is key to staying healthy, and almonds are packed with fiber to keep things moving smoothly.
- Healthy Fats: Don’t be scared of the word ‘fat.’ Almonds have good fats that actually help lower bad cholesterol and support heart health!
These are just a few benefits. That’s why almonds are such a versatile superfood. Not only are they tasty, but they’re also super healthy! How can you not fall in love with almonds?
The ingredients I use are super simple. All gluten-free and no flour! Here’s what you need:
- Sliced almonds (I always choose organic)
- Organic egg whites (try to go for organic eggs for a more natural, chemical-free option)
- Sea salt (for that savory touch)
- Low-GI sorghum sugar (this is important to keep your blood sugar levels stable!)
- Vanilla extract
But before we start, make sure to soak the almonds for 8 hours. Why soak them, you ask? Well, there’s a reason! I’ve discussed the details of activating nuts in a previous post. If you’re curious, check it out to understand better: Activating Nuts
Oh, and after soaking, make sure to drain and air-dry them so they’re nice and dry. The drier they are, the crispier they’ll turn out. This step is super important for that perfect crunch!
Next, I use sorghum sugar, which I blend myself to make it fine. Why use low-GI sugar? Because it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar, making it a safe option for those managing their diet or dealing with diabetes. You can switch the sugar based on your own diet, of course! There are many other low-GI options like coconut sugar or stevia. Check out my post on low-GI sugars for more options: Low-GI Sugars
Once they’re out of the oven, get ready to hear that crunch when you take a bite! The sensation is crispy, sweet, and savory all at once. This is seriously an addictive snack. Honestly, I’d give these Crispy Almond Cookies a solid 9/10. Super tasty, and most importantly, healthy!
So, Bestnic, are you going to go for store-bought Crispy Almond Cookies, or try this homemade version that’s clearly healthier and flour-free? The choice is yours, but for me, I’d definitely go homemade. Not only is it budget-friendly, but I also know exactly what’s going into it. Plus, soaking the almonds myself makes them easier to digest, crunchier, and tastier—trust me!
So, who’s interested in baking these at home?
If anyone wants more tips or wants to explore other gluten-free recipes, just drop a comment! We’ll dive into more details in future posts. Don’t forget to always check your ingredients and make sure they fit your dietary needs, Bestnic!
See you in the next post! Hope this one gets you excited to try gluten-free baking. Remember, eating healthy can still be fun and delicious. Cheers! 😘
Course Snacks
Cuisine Indonesian
Keyword healthy snacks, almond cookie, real food, gluten-free food, gluten-free snacks
Prep 10 minutes
Cook 40 minutes
Activating 8 hours
Servings 24 pieces
- 200 gr sliced almonds
- 1 organic egg white
- 50 gr sorghum sugar
- 10 gr vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- Soak the almonds in boiled water until fully submerged for 8 hours or overnight. Drain.
- Blend the sorghum sugar crystals until fine.
- Mix all ingredients together, stir well.
- Scoop onto unbleached baking paper using a spoon, about 1 full tablespoon, and flatten.
- Bake until the entire surface is browned, at 160°C for about 25-35 minutes. Baking time may vary, adjust according to your oven.
- Remove and store in an airtight container.
- For crunchier cookies, after draining the activated almonds, air-dry them before use.
- You can leave them on a sieve or spread them on unbleached kitchen tissue to absorb excess water and leave them open at room temperature until they are at least half-dry before using.
- Shape the almond cookie dough as thin as possible; the thinner, the crunchier the Crispy Almond Cookie will be.
- The standard measure is 1 tablespoon, but if you prefer larger or smaller sizes, adjust the Crispy Almond Cookie accordingly and remember to adjust the baking time.
- For a crunchy result, bake the Crispy Almond Cookie until the entire surface is brown.
- Baking time varies depending on the cookie’s size.
- For larger sizes, add 10-15 minutes of baking time.
- For smaller sizes, reduce the baking time by 5-10 minutes.
- If there are still color differences, the cookie is not yet crunchy and fully baked. Adjust the baking time until the entire surface is evenly browned.
- To keep the texture crunchy, store the baked Crispy Almond Cookies immediately in an airtight container, preferably a glass jar.
- They can last for 1 month at room temperature.
- It’s not recommended to store them in the chiller or freezer as it will affect the cookie’s crunchy texture.
- You can replace sorghum sugar with organic or fine coconut sugar.
- It is not recommended to use liquid sugar in this recipe.
Crispy Almond Cookie

"Almond tuh sumber vitamin E yang tinggi banget. Vitamin E ini penting buat kulit, loh. Makanya, rajin-rajin makan almond bisa bikin kulit jadi glowing natural!"
Oke, Bestnic, kita bahas Crispy Almond Cookie yuk! itu lho cemilan crispy yang pastinya gluten-free dan bikin nagih abis, lengkap sama ilmu di balik almond, biar makin afdol pas ngemil!
Jadi, apa sih yang bikin Crispy Almond Cookie ini jadi favorit? Pertama, ini cookie beneran gluten-free, guys! Karena engga pakai tepung sama sekali dan hanya 5 bahan aja. Wow banget gak tuuuh.. Kalau biasanya cookie kan ya ada komponen tepung, ya, di sini almond slice jadi bintangnya. Kenapa almond? Nah, ternyata almond itu banyak banget manfaatnya buat tubuh, terutama buat kita yang pengen ngemil sehat tapi tetep enak!
Sebelum kita lanjut ngomongin gimana cara bikin cookie ini, aku mau bahas sedikit tentang manfaat almond ya, Bestnic.
Kaya Nutrisi: Almond tuh sumber vitamin E yang tinggi banget. Vitamin E ini penting buat kulit, loh. Makanya, rajin-rajin makan almond bisa bikin kulit jadi glowing natural!
Protein Nabati: Buat kamu yang lagi diet atau vegetarian, almond bisa jadi sumber protein yang oke. Kandungan proteinnya tinggi, bikin kamu tetep kenyang lebih lama.
Kaya Antioksidan: Almond punya antioksidan yang bantu tubuh ngelawan radikal bebas. Ini penting buat kesehatan jangka panjang dan juga memperlambat proses penuaan.
Serat Tinggi: Pencernaan yang lancar itu salah satu kunci sehat, dan almond bisa bantu karena kandungan seratnya yang tinggi.
Lemak Baik: Eits, jangan takut dulu denger kata ‘lemak.’ Almond punya lemak baik yang justru bantu nurunin kolesterol jahat dan bikin jantung sehat!
Nah, ini baru beberapa manfaat aja. Makanya, almond tuh bener-bener super food yang serbaguna. Selain enak buat ngemil, juga sehat banget! Gimana engga makin cinta sama almond coba?
Bahan-bahan yang aku pakai simple banget. Semua gluten-free dan no tepung-tepungan! Kamu cuma butuh:
Almond slice
Putih telur organik (sebisa mungkin pilih telur organik karena lebih alami dan bebas dari bahan kimia)
Sea salt (buat nambah rasa gurih)
Gula sorghum low-GI (ini penting, loh, biar engga cepet naik gula darahnya!)
Vanilla extract
Eitss tapi sebelumnya, almond nya direndam dulu 8 jam ya. Kenapa sih harus direndam? Well, ini ada alasannya, guys! Aku pernah bahas lebih detail soal aktivasi kacang ini di post sebelumnya. Buat yang penasaran, cek aja deh postingannya biar makin paham: Aktivasi Kacang
Oiya, abis direndam, wajib banget ditiriskan dan diangin-angin biar kering. Semakin kering, semakin crispy hasilnya nanti. Proses ini tuh penting banget biar teksturnya bener-bener kriuk!
Lanjut, gulanya aku pakai gula sorgum yang udah aku blender sendiri biar halus. Kenapa sih harus pakai gula low-GI? Karena gula jenis ini engga bikin gula darah naik drastis, jadi aman buat yang lagi jaga pola makan atau punya diabetes. Kamu bisa ganti gula sesuai diet masing-masing, ya! Ada banyak pilihan low-GI lain kayak gula kelapa atau stevia. Cek post aneka gula low-GI ku juga ya biar makin tahu pilihannya: Gula Low-GI
Begitu keluar dari oven, siap-siap aja denger bunyi kriuk kriuk pas digigit! Sensasinya tuh crispy manis gurih gitu deh. Ini sih bener-bener snack yang bikin nagih banget. Jujur, aku kasih nilai 9/10 buat Crispy Almond Cookie ini. Enak banget dan yang paling penting, sehat!
So, Bestnic. kamu mau pilih Crispy Almond Cookie yang ada di luar sana, atau mau yang homemade kayak gini, yang jelas lebih sehat dan bebas terigu? Pilihan ada di tangan kamu, tapi kalau aku, udah pasti pilih yang homemade dong. Selain hemat, aku tahu persis semua bahan yang masuk. Plus, pakai almond yang direndam sendiri bikin lebih ramah cerna, crunchy dan lebih enak, trust me!
Jadi gimana, siapa yang tertarik re-bake cookie ini di rumah?
Nanti kalau ada yang mau tips lebih lanjut atau mau explore resep gluten-free lainnya, komen aja! Kita bakal bahas lebih detail di post-post selanjutnya. Jangan lupa buat selalu cek bahan-bahan yang kamu pakai dan selalu pastikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan diet kamu ya, Bestnic!
See you on the next post! Semoga post ini bikin kamu makin semangat nyobain gluten-free baking. Ingat, makan sehat bisa banget tetep enak dan seru. Cheers! 😘
Menu Cemilan
Asal Masakan Indonesia
Kata Kunci Crispy almond cookie, cemilan gluten free, kue almond, cemilan almond sehat
Waktu Persiapan 10 menit
Waktu Memasak 40 menit
Porsi 24 buah
Bahan - Bahan
- 200 gr almond slice
- 1 bh putih telur organik
- 50 gr gula sorghum
- 10 gr vanilla extract
- 1/2 sdt sea salt
Cara Membuat
- Rendam almond ke dalam air matang sampai terendam seluruhnya selama 8 jam atau semalaman. Saring.
- Blender gula sorghum kristal sampai halus.
- Campur semua bahan jadi 1, aduk rata.
- Cetak menggunakan sendok keatas unbleached baking paper, sekitar 1 sdm penuh, tipiskan.
- Panggang sampai seluruh permukaan berwarna kecoklatan, 160° C sekitar 25-35 menit. Waktu pemanggangan bervariasi, sesuaikan dengan oven masing-masing.
- Angkat. Simpan ke dalam wadah kedap udara.
- Untuk hasil cookie yang lebih crunchy, setelah almond aktivasi disaring, diangin-anginkan terlebih lebih dahulu sebelum dipakai.
- Bisa dengan cara didiamkan di atas saringan atau dibaur diatas tissue dapur unbleached untuk menyerap kelebihan air dan disimpan terbuka di suhu ruang setidaknya sampai setengah kering sebelum dipakai.
- Cetak adonan almond cookie setipis mungkin, semakin tipis, hasil Crispy Almond Cookie akan semakin crunchy.
- Standar resep ini adalah 1 sdm, jika ingin size lebih besar / kecil, dapat mencetak Crispy Almond Cookie sesuai selera, jangan lupa untuk menyesuaikan waktu panggang.
- Untuk hasil yang crunchy, disarankan untuk memanggang Crispy Almond Cookie sampai seluruh permukaan berwarna cokelat.
- Waktu pemanggangan bervariasi tergantung volume cookie.
- Untuk ukuran lebih besar, harap menambahkan waktu panggang sekitar 10-15 menit.
- Sebaliknya jika ukuran lebih kecil, harap mengurangi waktu panggang 5-10 menit.
- Jika masih terdapat perbedaan warna, cookie belum benar-benar crunchy dan matang sempurna. Harap menyesuaikan waktu panggang sampai seluruh permukaan berwarna cokelat rata.
- Untuk menjaga tekstur tetap crunchy, setelah matang Crispy Almond Cookie sebaiknya langsung disimpan ke dalam wadah kedap udara, jar kaca lebih baik.
- Dapat bertahan 1 bulan suhu ruang.
- Tidak disarankan menyimpan ke dalam chiller / freezer karena akan membuat tekstur cookie tidak crunchy.
- Dapat mengganti gula sorgum dengan gula organik / gula kelapa halus.
- Tidak disarankan menggunakan gula cair dalam resep ini.