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    Keripik Singkong


    Don't Make Cassava Chips Until You Know This!

    Hey BestNic! How's it going? I'm Cynthia, a baker and gluten-free enthusiast who's always ready to share fun tips on making your own gluten-free creations in the kitchen. This time, we're going to talk about something simple but potentially life-changing, especially for those of you who love snacking on chips.



    So, have you ever made cassava chips, but they turned out as hard as your determination? Well, maybe you haven't learned this secret trick yet, guys! Let's dive deep into the world of cassava chips and how to make them crispy and delicious!

    Get to Know Different Types of Cassava

    Before we get into the tips, let’s first get to know the different types of cassava!



    For those who don't know, there are actually several varieties of cassava. I want to introduce you to three of the most popular types among cassava lovers.

    1. Red Cassava (a.k.a. Apuy Cassava)

    First, we have red cassava, also known as Apuy cassava. This cassava is characterized by its red outer skin, with some parts peeling off. This is the cassava we used to make Singkong Merekah (Cracking Cassava) in a previous post, remember? click here to see the Cracking Cassava post. Red cassava is great for making various dishes because its soft texture and savory taste make it a favorite among fried cassava lovers.

    2. Butter Cassava (a.k.a. Yellow Cassava)

    Next, we have butter cassava, or more commonly known as yellow cassava. This type of cassava has beautiful, yellow, and sweet flesh. Because of that, it’s often used to make *tape* (fermented cassava). And who doesn’t love sweet and tender *tape singkong*? Especially when enjoyed cold on a hot day—so delicious!

    3. Manggu Cassava (a.k.a. White Cassava)

    Last but not least, there’s Manggu cassava, also known as white cassava. It might not be the type that puffs up when fried, but don’t be fooled! If you love making cassava chips, Manggu cassava is the best! It has a tender texture, making it perfect for chips—not hard at all, super crispy, and guaranteed to keep you snacking non-stop.

    Making it is also super easy, not complicated at all. You just need to heat up some coconut oil, grate the peeled and cleaned Manggu cassava directly into the hot oil.



    Then, add some crushed garlic and natural salt mixed with a little water. Pour it directly over the cassava chips while they're frying, and voila! You’ve got super crispy cassava chips that the whole family will love, from kids to grandparents.



    Health Benefits of Cassava
    Besides being delicious, cassava also has plenty of health benefits, guys! Here are three health benefits of cassava that you might not know about.

    1. A Good Source of Carbohydrates

    Cassava is a great source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained energy for your body. Complex carbs take longer to digest, so you'll feel fuller for longer. This is perfect for those who are dieting or need a long-lasting energy source without getting hungry too quickly.

    2. Gluten-Free

    This is what makes cassava a favorite among gluten-free enthusiasts like me. Cassava is gluten-free, so it’s totally safe for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. You can enjoy a variety of cassava dishes without worrying about discomfort.



    3. Rich in Fiber and Good for Digestion

    Cassava is also rich in fiber, which is great for digestion. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements and maintains gut health. Additionally, fiber helps control blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for those with blood sugar concerns.

    So, guys, don’t hesitate to make cassava chips anymore. By choosing the right type of cassava, you can achieve that perfect crispy and delicious cassava chip texture. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try making cassava chips at home and get ready to be addicted!!

    Oh, and if you have other tips for processing cassava, share them in the comments, BestNic!

    Keripik Singkong


    Jangan Bikin Keripik Singkong Kalo Belum Tahu Hal Ini!

    Hey Bestnic! Apa kabar nih? Aku Cynthia, seorang baker sekaligus gluten-free enthusiast yang selalu siap kasih kamu tips seru bikin olahan gluten-free sendiri di dapur. Kali ini, kita bakal bahas sesuatu yang simpel tapi bisa jadi life-changing, terutama buat kamu yang doyan ngemil keripik. 

    Jadi, kamu pernah enggak sih bikin keripik singkong, tapi hasilnya masih keras sekeras kemauan? Nah, mungkin kamu belum tahu trik rahasia ini, guys! Yuk, kita bahas tuntas soal keripik singkong dan gimana cara bikin keripik singkong yang renyah dan gurih!

    Kenalan Dulu Yuk Sama Aneka Singkong



    Biar tau rahasianya bikin keripik yang renyah, kita harus kenalan dulu nih sama aneka singkong! Buat yang belum tahu, ternyata singkong itu ada macem-macem lho jenisnya. Nah, aku mau kenalin tiga jenis singkong yang paling populer di kalangan para pecinta singkong.

    1. Singkong Merah (a.k.a Singkong Apuy)

    Yang pertama, kita punya singkong merah atau yang sering juga dikenal dengan singkong Apuy. Singkong ini punya ciri khas kulit arinya yang merah dan sebagian kulitnya terkelupas. Ini tuh singkong yang kemarin kita pakai buat bikin Singkong Merekah di postingan sebelumnya, inget enggak? (Klik di link berikut kalo mau liat resep Singkong MerekahSingkong merah ini enak banget buat diolah jadi macam-macam makanan, soalnya teksturnya yang empuk dan rasanya yang gurih bikin dia jadi favorit pecinta singkong goreng.

    2. Singkong Mentega (a.k.a Singkong Kuning)

    Selanjutnya, ada singkong mentega, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan singkong kuning. Ini jenis singkong yang dagingnya cantik banget, kuning dan manis. Karena itu, singkong ini sering banget diolah jadi tape. Lagian siapa sih yang ga suka tape singkong yang manis dan pulen? Apalagi kalau disantap dingin-dingin di siang hari, enak banget!

    3. Singkong Manggu (a.k.a Singkong Putih)



    Terakhir tapi nggak kalah penting, ada singkong manggu atau yang dikenal juga dengan singkong putih. Emang sih jenis singkong yang enggak bakal merekah kalau digoreng. Tapi jangan salah, kalau kamu suka bikin keripik singkong, singkong manggu ini juaranya! Singkong manggu punya tekstur yang pulen sehingga pas banget buat keripik, enggak keras sama sekali, renyahnya dapet, dan bikin kamu nggak bisa berhenti ngemil. 

    Cara bikinnya juga gampang banget, nggak ribet sama sekali. Kamu cuma perlu panaskan minyak kelapa, parut singkong manggu yang udah dikupas dan dibersihkan langsung ke atas minyak panas. Lalu, beri bawang putih tumbuk dan garam natural yang udah dicampur sama sedikit air. Siram langsung ke atas keripik singkong yang lagi digoreng, dan voila! Jadi deh keripik singkong super renyah yang pasti bakal disukai semua anggota keluarga, dari anak sampai kakek nenek.



    Manfaat Singkong Buat Kesehatan

    Selain enak, ternyata singkong punya banyak manfaat kesehatan juga lho, guys! Nih, aku kasih tahu tiga manfaat singkong buat kesehatan yang mungkin belum kamu tahu.


    1. Sumber Karbohidrat yang Baik


    Singkong itu sumber karbohidrat kompleks yang bagus banget buat energi tubuh. Karbohidrat kompleks ini lebih lama dicerna tubuh, jadi kamu bakal merasa kenyang lebih lama. Ini cocok banget buat kamu yang lagi diet atau butuh sumber energi tahan lama tanpa bikin cepat lapar.


    2. Bebas Gluten

    Nah, ini dia yang bikin singkong jadi primadona di kalangan gluten-free enthusiast kayak aku. Singkong itu bebas gluten, jadi aman banget buat kamu yang punya intoleransi gluten atau celiac disease. Kamu bisa nikmatin aneka olahan singkong tanpa khawatir perut jadi enggak nyaman.



    3. Kaya Serat dan Baik buat Pencernaan


    Singkong juga kaya akan serat, yang bagus banget buat pencernaan. Serat membantu memperlancar buang air besar dan menjaga kesehatan usus. Selain itu, serat juga membantu mengontrol kadar gula darah, jadi bagus juga buat kamu yang punya masalah dengan gula darah.



    Jadi, guys, jangan takut lagi kalau mau bikin keripik singkong, ya. Dengan memilih jenis singkong yang tepat, kamu bisa dapetin tekstur keripik singkong yang renyah dan lezat. Jadi, tunggu apalagi? Yuk, coba bikin keripik singkong di rumah dan siap-siap ketagihan!!


    Oiya, kalau kamu punya tips lain buat ngolah singkong, share di kolom komentar yaaa, BestNic!


    Baker & Blogger

    As an allergy warrior, a wife, a baker, and a mother of a special needs child, I'm here to share


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